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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY


ورشة الصحة الحضرية

بقلم مصطفى آيت يحي متطوع مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير من أجل إنتاج المعرفة النظرية والعملية حول العلاقات المتبادلة بين السياقات الحضرية غير الرسمية، والتفاوتات الصحية، والعدالة الاجتماعية، والتخطيط التنموي في دول الجنوب. تم يوم الجمعة بمقر مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير عقد لقاء بين الدكتور خايم يعقوب من جامعة لندن وأعضاء ومتطوعين من المؤسسة، وذلك لتدارس مجالات اشتغال

Dakira Heritage Dialogue Tour: Tanamrt and Tafngha n Barka Communities

Arabic Version By Jamal Maghiouzi, Dakira Cultural Coordinator Internationally, December 20 is a day to celebrate human solidarity. This concept has been deeply rooted in the heart of the United Nations since its formation. At the High Atlas Foundation, we identify with the principles of unity, diversity, and solidarity, as they are embodied by the

Women Who Moved the Mountain in Tassa Ouirgane

French Version  El Hassane Ahmatay, HAF Volunteer Celebrated on December 11th each year, International Mountain Day is an opportunity to highlight the riches and vulnerabilities of high altitude territories, as well as the role of women in the mountains for sustainable development. Morocco, which has major mountain ranges that have shaped its history and identity, is

Les Femmes Ont Fait Bouger La Montagne A Tassa Ouirgane

English Version Par: El Hassane Ahmatay Le 11 décembre de chaque année, le monde entier célèbre la Journée internationale de la Montagne, qui est toujours une occasion pour mettre en relief les richesses et les vulnérabilités des territoires en haute altitude, ainsi que le rôle de la femme montagnarde pour le développement durable. Notre pays,

“تمغربيت”: جسر ثقافي متميز

– “تمغربيت”: جسر ثقافي متميز, Al watan voice. بقلم الطالبة: أسماء مداح لوحة جدارية بمدينة الرباط للفنان المغربي، سمير التومي، الذي اشتهر بلوحاته التي تنضح بتمغربيت راج في السنوات الأخيرة، مصطلح تمغربيت وهو مفهوم احتل مكانة بارزة بشكل متزايد في المقالات والنقاشات في الشبكات الاجتماعية وداخل المجتمع المدني أيضا. يعطي النطاق الواسع لهذه الكلمة رونقا

A Cup of Tea with the Taste of Identity

Version arabic By: Noureddine El-Bahri Memories from our lives come to us on the strings of new experiences, some of which let us indulge in reminiscences and relive the magic of past moments again. I went through this experience with the team of the High Atlas Foundation, which organized a new (at least for me)

Webinar – Restoring Degraded Forests and Landscapes in Drylands

By Aleksander Esmann, HAF intern “Restoring Degraded Forests and Landscapes in Drylands” was the fifth webinar in a series of webinars on “Landscape Restoration in the Arab Region,” organized by FAO (Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations). Action Against Desertification  After the general introduction, the first topic discussed was desertification and the most

Forest-based Landscape Management: The Lebanese Context

By Aleksander Esmann “Forest-based Landscape Management: The Lebanese Context” was the sixth webinar in a series of webinars on “Landscape Restoration in the Arab Region”, organized by FAO (Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations) in collaboration with the Lebanon Reforestation Initiative (LRI). The first topics discussed were their general strategy and the community-based

Monitoring of Fruit Trees in the Fès-Meknes Region

By Abdelilah Ghmiza, Tree Monitoring Officer (YCC) In coordination with the Al Mishaal and Rifak association, the High Atlas Foundation distributed around 2140 almond, pomegranate, olive, and fig trees in the province Fes-Meknes, benefitting more than 80 farmers from the region. The project’s objectives are raising awareness among local community members about the importance of

HAF Announces New Chief of Party for the USAID Dakira Program

Dear colleagues, I am grateful to announce that Rim Baji is the new Chief of Party of the USAID Dakira program. An expert in communication, media, and youth initiatives, Rim has a proven track record of designing and implementing successful programs within the United Nations system and civil society sector. Appointed initially as Deputy Chief

E-Marketing with Women’s Cooperatives in Morocco

Karl Thomas Schloegel F2F US Volunteer, HAF The F2F team and the US Volunteer Karl Schloegel during their visit to Mogador Argan Cooperative. Photo Credit: HAF It’s hard to not talk about how much the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted our dependence on social media. For a time it was one of—if not the only—place where people

World Toilet Day 2022

By Yvette Broex In 2021, 3.6 billion people did not have access to good working toilets. This is a consequence of the fact that toilets are underfunded, poorly managed, or neglected, which causes the spread of diarrheal diseases and negatively affects health, economics, and the environment. One consequence is the fact that 1,000 children die

Dakira: Forging Collaborative Pathways Toward Greater Social Solidarity

By Soukaina Kherdioui and Amal Mansouri Dakira Cultural Coordinators  Mohammed, from Ighram commune in the Taroudant province, poses with a sign that promotes interfaith solidarity, quoting: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” October 2022. Photo: HAF “I learned that, in the past, people lived together in harmony even though they had different religions. I also learned

Strategies for Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment

By Houria Chouhab F2F Field Officer The women from 3éme Méllinaire Cooperative during an empowerment workshopconducted by the coach Ibtissam Niri. Photo Credit: HAF Women’s empowerment is the key area of development and focus of action workshops for the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) in Morocco. Since 2016, under the supervision of two coaches and six

مشتل يحمل بهجة ومستقبل

حميد حنتوم/ متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير خلال مشاركتي في غرس شجرة زيتون مع أطفال دار الطفل باب اغمات تتعدد مشاغل الناس وتتنوع أعمالهم لدرجة أن بعضهم لا يجد وقتا لنفسه أو لحياته الشخصية هذه الاعمال لا يمكن عدها أو إحصاؤها وكلها مرتبطة بالماديات، إلا أن العمل المهم الذي ينبغي أن يكون للإنسان حيز مهم منه

Meet Khaoula Abid Allah: A Success Story

By Bouhlala Safae, Program Manager, Fes Khaoula Abid Allah in her office – Training and Language Center, Fes. Photo: HAF “The moment I knew what I had to do, the moment I felt more confident and independent” Khaoula Abid Allah, is a 27-year-old legal clinician trainee and graduate with a Master’s degree in Business Law.

Dentists’ Trip to Bouchane

By Dávid Engelputzeder, HAF intern Recently, I joined volunteers and staff of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) for a dental health awareness event at the schools of Bouchane. Seventeen American dentists traveled with us to rural Morocco to improve oral health and hygiene practices, beginning with a short welcome ceremony upon our arrival in order

غرس الأشجار المثمرة بإقليم بولمان

بقلم عبد الإله غميزة قامت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بتوزيع حوالي 26.000 شجرة بإقليم بولمان الذي يظم مجموعة من القرى والمدن كميسو،اوطاط الحاج، إيموزار مرموشة، والمرس، التي استفادت من مبادرة غرس مليون شجرة مثمرة من بينها اللوز، الرمان،  الزيتون التين موزعة كالاتي 14478 شجرة مثمرة موزعة بايموزار مرموشة التي تقع في منطقة جبلية يبلغ ارتفاعها 1700

Saplings of Hope

By Houria Chouhab, HAF Program Manager Planting workshop with the U.S. expert volunteer Afra Stenstrom and the children at the orphanage. Photo: HAF Created in 1934, the Dar Tifl orphanage “children’s house” covers an area of four hectares and accommodates approximately 400 residents between three and 30 years old. My expectations before visiting the orphanage

Reflections of the Empowered

By Charmaine Cacho, HAF-Northwest University student volunteer It’s a strange feeling, to feel something so strongly from the emotions and words of others while, on the other hand, not knowing what anyone is saying, completely lost in translation. I felt much like the baby who was sitting across the room from me with his mother,

“طُموحات تحملها حبات الكسكس”

– نور الدين البحري : “طُموحات تحملها حبات الكسكس”, El Bashayer. نورالدين البحري متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير مراكش صورة تذكارية تجمع بين أعضاء مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير وتعاونية تامونت نتوريت على خطى الورشات التكوينية التي يقدمها فريق من فلاح إلى فلاح بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير لفائدة التعاونيات، تمت دعوتي للانضمام إلى ورشة جديدة لفائدة تعاونية معنونةٍ باسم

Women’s Empowerment at the Heart of Imagine Workshops

By Khadija Amahal, Program Associate, Center of International Private Enterprise A group of women participate in an Imagine Workshop in the Ait Oum El Bakht commune, Khenifra province, as part of the Family Literacy program implemented by the High Atlas Foundation in the Beni Mellal-Khenifra region and financed by the European Union. Photo: HAF I

“Self-empowerment” workshop in the embrace of the High Atlas Foundation

By Hassan Ahmatay, HAF Volunteer HAF Empowerment Leader, Fatima-Zahra Larbi, conducts a workshop for staff and volunteers. Photo: H. Ahmatay, HAF On Saturday, September 10, 2022, I attended an Imagine empowerment workshop on the subject of “how to create your life as you want it,” presented by the High Atlas Foundation (HAF). All staff members

La journée internationale de la fille le 11 Octobre

By Majda Stitou La journée internationale de la fille est un événement international déclaré par les Nations Unies le 11 octobre de chaque année. L’objectif principal de cette occasion est de soutenir les priorités de base afin de protéger les droits des filles, leur offrir plus d’opportunités pour une vie meilleure, et sensibiliser quant à

مواكبة التعاونيات النسائية ضمن فريق من فلاح إلى فلاح

بقلم : عبد العاطي آيت حفيظ مستشار في مجال ريادة الأعمال تحرير: حورية شوهب و زينب لعضم مسؤولان ميدانيان بمشروع من فلاح إلى فلاح تعد مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير منظمة غير ربحية تلتزم بتعزيز التنمية المستدامة، وتنفيذ مبادرات التنمية البشرية كما تشجع على التمكين الذاتي للمرأة وتنمية الشباب سواءً على المستوى الإقتصادي و/أو السوسيو-اقتصادي بمجموعة من

HAF Volunteer Visits Amazigh Women’s Cooperative

Yvette Broex, HAF Volunteer Photo credit: HAF In early September, I visited the women’s Tamount Ntourite cooperative in Tourite village (Mzouda commune, Chichaoua province) with staff from the High Atlas Foundation’s program Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F). We spent two fascinating days with the Amazigh women who live in this small village as they participated in a training

A Year of Dakira – عام من برنامج ذاكرة

The USAID Dakira (Arabic for “memory”) program was officially launched in October 2021. In celebrating the completion of its first year, we are delighted to launch the first Dakira newsletter, which provides a general overview of the program, highlights milestones and activities so far, and calls on the Moroccan people and diaspora to reflect and share

Reviving the Toumliline Monastery

By Lamia Radi, President of Fondation Mémoires pour l’Avenir In Morocco’s Middle Atlas Mountains, near the town of Azrou, travelers come for hiking or to see the famed macaque apes in the cedar forest. Near Azrou, nestled high in the mountains and overlooking the green valleys below, the Toumliline Monastery was established by a group

Empowering Moroccan communities through community Agency Building

By Fatima Zahra Laaribi High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is piloting a new project called IMAGINE Peace On Earth by 2030 or POE Zone for short, in partnership with the Empowerment Institute, New York. The main goal for HAF is to Empower Morocco’s NGOs, faith-based groups, and businesses, among others, to lead Reweaving the Social Fabric


By Hajiba Boumasmar, HAF Program Manager An Imagine empowerment workshop with Tighermine women’s cooperative in Ait Bougmez commune. Photo: HAF Fatima is a 60-year-old mother of a young man who she feels is not responsible, unfortunately, even for his children. He does not have defined goals to achieve or his own dream to realize. Fatima