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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY


A Better Today and Tomorrow: Women Around Me Creating Change


By Chayma Ouled Sidi Aissa, HAF Volunteer Marrakech The role of women in our society is determining more openly the course of social change in communities. A woman plays a variety of essential roles in our society from her birth until the end of life. While women have profound, vital-to-life responsibilities, they also face greater

Uplifting At-Risk Youth and Marginalized Families Through Organic Agriculture

The High Atlas Foundation creates unique project models that are essential for Morocco to achieve prosperity.  These models, however, require implementation, sustainability, and expanding to the national scale. Morocco needs a billion fruit trees as one of a number of measures that are needed to overcome rural poverty.  The country is also struggling with very

Katharine’s Story

By: R. Maxwell Bone HAF Intern   Marrakech How does a stay at home mom from New York City with a background in marketing and publishing start a multi-national company and empower women from rural villages, many of whom are illiterate and have received no formal education? All that one needs to do to find

HAF and the “City of Coexistence” – Essaouira

A review of an Al Jazeera podcast By Rachid Montassir HAF Volunteer Marrakech This documentary produced by the Al Jazeera podcast channel takes us to the heart of Essaouira, which is often referred to as “the city of coexistence”. Some say that this is because of a large number of foreigners who call the city

تنمية ذوات الشعوب هي أساس التنمية المستدامة


بحثا عن الأنسب وسعيا إلى تنمية حقيقية فقد قامت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير- الجنوب- بدورة تكوينية حول موضوع”التمكين الذاتي” لبعض السيدات ببوجدور بدعم من الصندوق الوطني للديمقراطية الدي نتقدم له بخالص الشكر و الامتنان لتمويله مجموعة من الورشات التدريبية. كان الفضاء الجمعوي  ببوجدور قبلة لعشرين امرأة من مختلف الثقافات والأعمار مدة أربعة  أيام  والهدف هو الحضور

Moving my Home Community Forward


Another Touch in Rhamna with HAF After three months with the High Atlas Foundation, I returned again to my origins in the Rhamna province, where I had the chance to earlier bring the benefit of more than 400 trees on the 16th of January – for the planting event on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Today

Agriculture Training for Women of the Aboghlou Cooperative

By Amina Eajjami Project manager with High Atlas Foundation Sustainable development fornew projects requires sustainable training for people. In this regard, the High Atlas Foundation signed a partnership agreement with JLM IAV Hassan II, in Rabat, with the objective of training the women of Aboghlou cooperative. The students educated the women in advanced agricultural technologies within the

HAF Event in Rabat

The High Atlas Foundation with the Academy of Education in the capital city, Rabat, and on the occasion of Morocco coming back to the African union, organized an event – “Afrique en capital” – with many African Ambassadors at the Dar Assalam High School. There were many good steps that composed the day: First step:

Planting Seeds

  Tim Ager Vising Engineering Expert   USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Program My image of Morocco was dry, a desert, and not a place of agricultural growth.  I was surprised by the vast olive groves and orchards of fruit trees often visible from the window of my train as I travelled from Marrakech, through Casablanca and Rabat, to Fez. 

HAF Promotes Tree Planting and Value-Addition for Rural Farmers in Morocco

Gregory Sullivan, HAF Visiting Expert International Executive Service Corps (IESC) USAID’s Farmer to Farmer Program April 18 to May 5, 2017 The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) in Morocco is using innovative approaches to tackling poverty in this North Africa country, as well as addressing the challenge of climate change.  HAF is a non-profit organization dedicated

Sami’s Project Evaluations

One of the main projects that the High Atlas Foundation takes part in is the Sami’s project which works to improve systems of rural schools across the Kingdom of Morocco. One of the main aspects of this project is the distribution of various types of fruit trees to many types of schools. These include primary

Coming of Age in Tassa Ouirgane

– Coming of Age in Tassa Ouirgane, Modern Ghana, by Mark Apel (Community Extension Expert), 17 May 2017. • Arabic: Al Bayader, 7 July 2017. By Mark Apel- USAID Farmer to Farmer Volunteer, Former Peace Coprs Morocco Volunteer. From 1985 until 1986, I was a Peace Corps Volunteer living in the Azzeden Valley working for the country’s Eaux et

Programs with vulnerable youth

New Educational Workshop and Nursery for At-Risk Youth in Fes by Said Bennani HAF Project Manager According to the World Bank, the unemployment rate for young people ages 15 to 24 in Morocco in 2016 was over 20 percent. This figure does not include people who are underemployed or who work in the informal sector

The Empowerment Journey

The Empowerment Journey By Ibtissam Niri, Imagine Workshop Facilitator After finishing the empowerment journey In Ma’ain in Jordan and coming back to our sweet homeland Morocco, each one’s own empowerment journey took  us on a journey within ourselves to dig  little deeper into our minds and talk to it about our deep sorrows and feelings. In


Visiting Youssoufia’s Schools On the last Friday before Ramadan, we had a great visit to Youssoufia city. As usual after every season of planting, HAF goes back to evaluate the situation of the trees, and listens to the stidents as to what they need in their schools. And this evaluation’s visit is respectively the fourth;

Women and the Participatory Approach to Achieve Professional Work

By Amina El Hajjami, HAF Project Manager High Atlas Foundation, Marrakesh Office  8 June, 2017  Moroccan women play a crucial role in the development of the community on a local and professional level. The progress of a community is directly correlated with the advancement of women and their capability to participate in economic, social and

The High Atlas Foundation and the Mimouna association organize a participatory meeting for the commune of Marrakech-Mellah

FOR INTIMIDATE RELEASE  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: High Atlas Foundation and Association Mimouna Host Breakfast with Participatory Meetings for the Community of Marrakech-MellahJune 8, 2017 Contact : Fatima Zahra Laaribi Tel. (Morocco) : +212 (0) 52 442 0821 Marrakech     This Thursday, June 8, the High Atlas Foundation will jointly host a breakfast at the Synagogue Slat Lazama with the Association Mimouna and the Jewish Community

مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير و الإفطار الجماعي في صلاة العزمة


 للرقي والتقرب أكثر من ساكنة حي الملاح العتيق، بمدينة مراكش، تمكنت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بشراكة مع جمعية ميمونة افتتاح أول إفطار جماعي مساء يوم الخميس 08 يونيو، و تم هذا بحضور أغلبية أعضاء مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير، مسؤولو جمعية ميمونة و السيد جاكي كادوش رئيس الجالية  اليهودية بجهة مراكش، أما من الفئة المستفيدة،  حضر حوالي أكثر

The High Atlas Foundation and Partners Facilitate Renewal of the Historic Marrakech Mellah

By Max Bone HAF Intern  Marrakesh  This past Thursday, the High Atlas Foundation, a Moroccan organization dedicated to sustainable development, and the Mimouna Association, a Moroccan organization aspiring to preserve the history of the Moroccan ancient Jewish community, joined together to find lasting project solutions for the Mellah community. Over a traditional Iftor meal, HAF

The High Atlas Foundation & The Epic

Errachid Montassir Chef de projet HAF Marrakech Le groupe Iftar (la rupture du jeûne du Ramadan) au Beth-El est une épopée majeure. Synagogue à Gueliz, Marrakech, avec des musulmans marocains et des juifs marocains, constituant ensemble une ancienne communauté. Il y avait environ 250 000 à 350 000 Juifs dans le pays après la Seconde

مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير و الملحمة

الرشيد منتصر. مشرف على مشروع سامي. مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير.  شكل الإفطار الجماعي بكنيس بيث-إل في جيليز-مراكش ملحمة كبيرة بين المسلمين المغاربة و اليهودالمغاربة. هذه الأخيرة التي شكلت حضارة و مجتمع قديم، حيث كان هناك ما بين 250000 إلى 350000 يهودي في المملكة بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية، التي أعطت المغرب أكبر جالية يهودية في العالم الإسلامي.

The High Atlas Foundation and Holistic Sustainable Development

By Jan Thibaut HAF Intern  Tassa Ouirgane   The High Atlas Foundation and Holistic Sustainable Development Hi there! The name’s Jan Thibaut, a 25-year old master student and new intern with the High Atlas Foundation. Over the next couple of months I will try to make you, the reader, acquainted with the foundation and its

A Statement of Congratulations to our friends at Ecosia!


By Lloyd Farley Marrakech Our friends and partners at Ecosia have just met a wonderful landmark and we are happy to have been a part of their wonderful project. Just yesterday the folks at Ecosia celebrated planting ten million trees and we were happy to join over livestream from Morocco. For those who do not

Start of my immersive experience in Tassa Ouirgane

  By Jan Thibaut HAF Intern, Graduate Student in International Development So, there it was, the big day has finally arrived! On May 19th I bade Marrakech adieu and made the big move to the little village, Tassa Ouirgane, to be immersed in the Tashelhit language and culture. Together with the ever-so-helpful Amina, we had managed to find

Eid Mubarak in Tassa Ouirgane

 Celebrating the end of Ramadan in a rural village and planning the future of Tassa Ouirgane. Today was the Eid, the celebration signalling the end of Ramadan, so that means no more fasting! In the morning I went and observed the prayer from a distance, because I didn’t want to interrupt their religious ceremony. Even

HAF’s future project in Youssoufia

Among the upcoming projects with communities in Morocco, HAF is seeking to create a big industrial unit in the Youssoufia province. The unit will be a big factory of apple cider vinegar.  The province is strong in terms of human resource and other resources, but in terms of factories and industrial units, it is not strong.

Ifrane Nursery Progress

By Lloyd Farley HAF Inter, Fes In the field of development, it is not often when you can see so much happen in just one day. A lot of the projects consist of behind the scenes work that yields undramatic, yet important results. However, today is a day in which significant progress has been made. As a result

Investing in people to invest in progress

Hello there! Ellen, here, HAF’s social media intern from Berkeley, California. I have spent the past five weeks with HAF, and I wanted to share my experience with you to tell you about all of the amazing projects HAF is working on and to fill you in on how you can help HAF do more

Volunteerism and youth policies

By Fatima Zahra Laarbi On Tuesday, the 25th of July at Hotel Mogador Opera Marrakech, two of HAF’s team members, Fatima Zahra Laaribi and Errachid Montassir, attended the first participatory regional seminar in Marrakech organized by the Moroccan Volunteer Collective, a non-profit national network. The Marrakech seminar is one of six participatory regional seminars in the

Problem solving in Ouikaimeden

On Monday the 9th of August, we went with Amina, Project Manager at High Atlas Foundation, to Oukaimeden, a little village in the mountain Atlas, close to Marrakech, to assist to the meeting with the represents of the different villages nearby and the responsible of the different associations. The aim of these periodic meetings is to