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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY


Morocco: One Farmer’s Struggle for a Better Life

Ahmed Ouajib University Student and HAF Intern Marrakech Conducting interviews with farmers across Morocco has left me in awe of them.   Take for example twenty-three-year-old Najib Charhabili, who received his BA in Arabic last summer from Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech.  He hails from the town of Zagora, where his family owns a small field

Supporting the Kingdom of Morocco


– Supporting the Kingdom of Morocco, transconflict, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 23 October 2016. In recent decades the Kingdom of Morocco has embarked on a path that fully commits the nation to a development and civil course that is at once progressive and strongly connected to its national identity. The Moroccan model for success –

January 16th: A Moment for Trees

Trees are an integral part of achieving people’s development.  They fortify livelihoods and our planet, they feed and give shelter and they are among the most tangible signs of God’s mercy and love. From noon next January 16th, on the day that in the US calendar commemorates the life of the pursuit of justice of

HAF Action Efforts at the Cop22 in Marrakech, Morocco (Nov. 7-18, 2016)

With the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UNFCCC right around the corner, the High Atlas Foundation is mobilizing its partnerships, networks and beneficiary community to highlight the extraordinary commitment and actions taken towards sustainable, green practices over the past 15 years. As this is a COP of action, the global climate

Climate Change and Gender


In the frame of preparations for the 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UNFCCC, two of the High Atlas Foundation’s team members, Fatima Zahra Laaribi and Ibtissam Niri, attended a participatory workshop aimed at equal climate justice for men and women, supported by the Finish Embassy in Rabat. Titled «Pour une Justice

Reception Invitation: November 3rd in Nyc, from 6:30-9:00 Pm

You are cordially invited to a reception for the High Atlas Foundation, hosted by HAF’s Board Member Bruno Mejean, to support the human development transformation driven by organic agriculture and the Moroccan society.  If you are unable to attend, we would greatly appreciatea contribution to HAF to help us reach our sustainable development goals. The Kingdom of

HAF joins with WECAN for the flight of Indigenous Women combating climate affects in Morocco

Please be welcome to join our allies at the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International for an exciting upcoming event in Marrakech, Morocco during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP22 climate talks. ‘Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change – Morocco’, to be held Monday November 14th from 13:00 to 17:30, will be an

WECAN Event November 14


MEDIA ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2016 Contact: Emily Arasim Communications Coordinator Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network +1 (505) 920-0153 emily@wecaninternational.org Global Leaders To Speak Out On Climate Change Solutions and Women’s Leadership At Public Event During the United Nations COP22 Climate Talks SAN FRANSISCO BAY AREA, California (October 6, 2016) – On November

HAF Invitation for Wecan Event 14 November


Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change – Marrakech Join the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network on November 14, 2016 for Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change, an extraordinary gathering with worldwide women leaders joined in solidarity to speak out against environmental and social injustice, draw attention to root causes of the

HAF Announces Carbon Auction at Cop22


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  11/3/2016 For general inquiries, please contact: Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir Tel: +212 (0)5 24 42 08 21 Fax: +212 (0)5 24 43 00 02 Email: haf@highatlasfoundation.org HIGH ATLAS FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES CARBON AUCTION AT COP22  MARRAKECH- The 22nd session of the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 22) is set to take place in less than

High Atlas Foundation Selects January 16th as Day of Tree Planting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  11/3/2016 For general inquiries, please contact: Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir Tel: +212 (0)5 24 42 08 21 Fax: +212 (0)5 24 43 00 02 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.”>haf@highatlasfoundation.org HIGH ATLAS FOUNDATION SELECTS JANUARY 16TH AS DAY OF TREE PLANTING  MARRAKECH- According to the United

Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change-Amina El Hajjami Amazigh Representative of HAF


العربية تتبع الانجليزية As a representative of the High Atlas Foundation, I would like to sincerely thank WECAN for organizing this great event, and the women participants representing their countries in addition to the respected audience. My name is Amina ElHajjami.  I am Amazighi from the commune of Tidilli Misfeewa in High Atlas Mountains outside

Women Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change-Rachida president of ABOUGHLO cooperative

 العربية تتبع الانجليزية My name is Rachida. I was born in 1977.  I am married with three kids. I spent my childhood in a beautiful rural environment: in the Village of Tnein, in Ourika’s Commune of Al Haouz province. I’ve reached High School but did not complete it. Now, I am the president of Aboghlo’s

A Weaving Cooperative to Empower Women in Ighil village


Transitioning to a green economy compliant with ecological balances and capable of opening new opportunities for wealth creation and sustainable jobs, has become part of a major objective of the new sustainable development strategies being pursued by some countries in North Africa, especially Morocco. Environmental constraints (water stress, land degradation, overly strong energy dependence, vulnerability

HAF Team Impressions of COP22


Montasser Namouji HAF Intern-Journalist Inside the High Atlas Foundation’s operating office, I personally feel the family and responsibility spirit, which are motivating everyone to do their own best and seriously consider every single task as a mission. Fatima Zahra Laaribi, the office manager said that being a female on the team is a point of

“Ethics in Action”: An Event with Ban Ki Moon


By Ryan Lenz High Atlas Foundation Volunteer “Everything will seem easier after this,” proclaimed Professor Jeffrey Sachs to the outgoing General Secretary Ban Ki Moon at an event in New York, this past Wednesday evening. Sachs, the Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, hosted the Secretary-General on behalf of the New York Society

My Experience with the Natural Environment

By Amina El Hajjami High Atlas Foundation Project Manager I was born in a modest agricultural village in High Atlas Mountains on the outskirts of Marrakech. I grew up in a small family, and we depended on agriculture for ensuring food and financial security, and also to finance my siblings’ education. My father spent all

Giving and Growing Seeds


The last week of 2016 Dear Friends, Seeds empower women with income, choice and more control over their lives. Seeds make beautiful schools and inform our children about human and environmental life. Seeds are a source of youth employment when we learn how to care for them. Seeds bring together diverse groups of faith. Seeds become our vanguards for clean air and

Evaluating Sami’s Project: Trees for Schoolchildren

With the annual tree planting event on January 16th upon us, HAF used the opportunity to evaluate the past three planting seasons. HAF wishes to constantly grow and change for the better and part of this process is learning from the different of outcomes. Within the scope of the evaluation of Sami’s Project we visited 15 schools in

Rhamna green schools


On the 16th of January 2017, MLK Day was the real event: HAF and its community, public, civil, and private partners had the goal of planting thousands of trees all around Morocco. With schoolchildren and teachers in the Rhamna province of the Marrakech region, we planted more than 400 trees, including almond, pomegranate, and fig. 

January 16th, MLK, US Ambassador Bush & HAF

The High Atlas Foundation had an incredible day – January 16th, Martin Luther King Day, HAF’s annual tree planting celebration. We would like to greatly thank the United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco, Dwight Bush, Sr., for joining the students of Larbi Doghmi and HAF’s President, Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, as we together recognized

Moroccan Girls’ School: A Shining Example


by Said Bennani On January 16, 2017, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) distributed thousands of trees in 50 locations throughout 16 provinces in a coordinated national effort to raise awareness of the environment and of Morocco’s sustainable development goals. One success story comes from the students who attend the Tidili-Mesfioua Boarding School for Girls. Last year

Growing Trees with Schoolchildren in Five Schools in Youssoufia: A Sustainable Act of HAF


HAF’s dream in the 2017 planting season is to reach new places; this dream came true with five schools in two communes (Gantour and Sbiaat) in the Province of Youssoufia: the Al Faouariaa, Inbiaat, and Sidi Ahmed primary schools; the High School Andalus; and the Al Banae Middle school. On January 16th (annually on the

From Marrakesh to Figuig and back – a Moroccan story about Sustainability

By Kerstin Opfer HAF Intern “Morocco will surprise you every day. There will be no day without a good surprise.” I will always remember these words of Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, president of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), when I first came to Marrakesh. And each day teaches me once more how right he was. During

Achieve the Dream of Planting Trees in Schools


Amina El Hajjami Project manager with High Atlas Foundation It’s amazing when you have a dream in life and you see this dream becoming reality. This happened to me when I was a student in primary schools. I walked 6 km from my home to my school and on the road; all the farms have

Rural Communities Growing Trees in the High Atlas Mountains

By Kerstin Opfer, HAF Volunteer “A man of the companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him said: With my own ears I heard the prophet, peace be upon him, say: Whoever plants a tree and works hard to keep it alive and takes care of it until it gives fruits, will be rewarded and every fruit

My Morocco Experience

By Kerstin Opfer, HAF volunteer “Morocco is a country that reveals its essence only to those who take the time to draw water and to pour a pot of tea.”   – Moroccan Proverb Time and tea – the two magic words in Morocco. Two of the most important lessons you will eventually learn in

Alternative Policies of Renewal

– Alternative Politics of Renewal, Global Research, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 27 February 2017. • French: Libération, 17 June 2017. What does it look like when the local approach to achieving sustainable development projects guides not just how we govern, but is also strategically implemented by candidates to help them campaign and secure elected office? First, let us

Accelerating Sustainable Development Toward 2030

– Accelerating Sustainable Development Toward 2030, Participated in 16th Session of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration, New York, HAF Statement by Yossef Ben-Meir, 24-28 April 2017. • French: Libération, 10 June 2017. Taken together, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – contained in U.N. Resolution 70/1 involving the 194 member states and civil society in its deliberation –

رحلة التمكين مع نساء أوريكا

مع نهاية شهر فبراير وفي الأسبوع الأخير منه أخذتنا رحلة التمكين من جديد إلى دواخل أنفسنا للغوص قليلا في خواطرنا ومناجاتها عن همومنا الدفينة ومشاعرنا الغابرة. ففي جو هادئ بمنطقة أوريكا وبنفسية قابلة للتغيير ومؤمنة بمغزى التمكين ابتدأت رحلتنا مع نساء تعاونية أبوغلو، رغبة منهن في خوض غمار التجربة نظرا لما كان لهذه الأخيرة من