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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY


La Vie En Vert

Zineb Sfar Volontaire, Douar Tizian En tant qu’étudiante à l’Université Privée de Marrakech (UPM), j’ai eu l’occasion de participer à un atelier sur l’environnement avec la Fondation du Haut Atlas pour le Douar de TIZYAN, avec le soutien du Bureau International Océanique, Environnemental et Scientifique des États-Unis. A l’heure de notre arrivé, nous avons eu

Rooting for a Sustainable Future: Combining Tree-Planting Activities and Environmental Workshops in Morocco

 The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is committed to promoting sustainable development, using a participatory-action approach to address challenges identified by communities.  While partnering with community members, local associations, schools, municipal governing bodies, and other stakeholders, HAF believes in the efficacy of sustained communication and meaningful involvement in fostering skills and methods to enact positive

Morocco Sustainability and Environment News Round-up 20.12 – 31.12

Manon Burbidge Lund University, Sweden HAF Inter- Marrakech French Development Agency Lends €50 Million to Improve Moroccan Water Supply The Moroccan Electricity and Drinking Water Bureau (ONEE) received €50m to implement a drinking water resilience project in Morocco’s northern provinces, including Al-Hoceima, Driouch and Taounate. The project will strengthen water production, increase storage autonomy and improve

مبادرة التحسيس البيئي في الوسط الصحي بسيدي الزوين

بقلم: إبراهيم بحماني الراعي  مراكش نظمت جمعية الوفاء بمنطقة سيد الزوين بالشراكة مع مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير وجمعية الأيادي الصادقة بمراكش وجمعية قدماء تلاميذ الثانوية الإعدادية الماوردي وبدعم من قبل مكتب المحيطات والشؤون البيئية والعلمية الدولية، مكتب العلوم في وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية (OES). نشاطا بيئيا متميزا يخص عملية تشجير فضاء المركز الصحي بسيد الزوين، والذي يبعد

Tree-Planting at the Central Hospital of Sidi Zouine

By Aitana Arias, HAF volunteer Members of the HAF team had the chance to visit the Central Hospital of Sidi Zouine and get involved with the village community. HAF has previously planted trees in schools but this time we had the chance to plant trees at a hospital yard for a good reason: to make

Last Moments to Support Haf in 2018!

Greetings Friends, Here we have a final moment in 2018 where we can give to uplift the course of families, communities, schools, cooperatives, women’s groups, and youth. Morocco is creating opportunities for its people by encouraging through its policies and programs public participation in all aspects of development. For local communities of the nation to

The Communities in Draa Tafilalet Deserve Their Own Fruit Tree Nursery

 By SAID EL BENNANI, Project Manager Crossing the High Atlas Mountains—from Marrakech to Ouarzazate—to get to the Ighrem N’Ougdal commune, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) decided with the Jewish community in Morocco and all of the local authorities to start planning the first fruit tree nursery in the Draa Tafilalet region. This follows the successful

Moroccan Communities Engage in Environmental Development

Project Manager Traveling to the Bouchan commune was my first field visit with the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), when I was a volunteer in 2016. I had the chance again this year to take part in the tree-planting event and an environmental workshop with local farmers from the same village at the school. The weather

Framing the Humanitarian Action & Youth Engagement – Haf in Qatar

Errachid Montassir HAF project manager At present, the world community has limited options for responding to humanitarian crises. It’s time to engage more the youth in building plans in order to create a collective commitment of key actors to ensure that the priorities and rights of communities around the world affected by disaster, conflict, forced

Exploring Carbon Credit Potentials to Support Community Development

By Nisreen Abo-Sido, HAF Volunteer, Thomas J. Watson Fellow Last week, HAF President Yossef Ben-Meir, program assistant Hassan Ait Ouatouch, a couple of forestry engineers and I visited farmers and community leaders in the villages of Aghbalou and Anamer, and in the Azilal Province to discuss the potential of carbon credits to support development projects

Moroccan Multiculturalism Exemplified in Essaouira

Today we had a great meeting with the director of the Cultural Delegation in Essaouira, Zhor Amhaouch. We had the opportunity to discuss together the project to restore a Franciscan church, which will not only preserve the historic, diverse, and magnificent cultural heritage of Morocco, but also create human development opportunities for local civil society

An Experiential Conference That Elevated Haf’s Work

The High Atlas Foundation (HAF)–partnering with the Holling’s Center for International Dialogue (DC/Istanbul) and the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Program for Strategic Research at the University of Central Florida–hosted a conference from November 15th-17th for the community and government partners, other thought leaders, and the staff and volunteers of HAF.  Together, we explored the complexity

ورشات بيئية لفائدة ساكنة جماعة ايت الطالب بإقليم الرحامنة

عبدالهادي كستيح متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير  يأتي الصباح ليذكرنا بإشراقة جميلة ويوم جديد ويعطينا أمل جديد للاستمرار في تحقيق أهداف نبيلة.  بصفتي متطوع مع مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير حظيت بشرف الانضمام الي ورشة بيئية لفائدة ساكنة دوار أعربات رفقة مجموعة من طلاب الجامعة الخاصة بمراكش وتحت اشراف مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير وبدعم من المكتب الدولي للمحيطات و الشؤون

Fruit for Centuries

I remember in the mid-90s when I had the great fortune to be a Peace Corps Volunteer and live with the village communities of the Toubkal municipality in the High Atlas Mountains.  The people expressed how fruit tree revenue far outweighed what they generated from growing barley and corn using traditional methods.  We also learned

Fulfilling Moroccan Environmentalism and Global Targets

Today, we gathered with schoolchildren from Aarabat primary school, members of the community, and Private University of Marrakech (UPM) students for our second Bureau of Oceans and International Environment and Scientific Affairs (OES) workshop this week.  On this beautiful morning, the community, schoolchildren, teachers, and local association members welcomed us warmly, making us extremely happy and comfortable to start the

Morocco Environmental News Round-up 26th November- 14th December

By Manon Burbidge Lund University, Sweden Marrakech Morocco Loses $174m Annually Due to Climate Change The Global Climate Risk Index 2019, published on 27th November, revealed that over the period 1998-2017, Morocco lost $174m annually due to climatic hazards, considerably impacting GDP. It also ranks 124th in the world for countries facing climate risk and 108th for climate-related

Branching Out: New Tree-Planting Opportunities for Morocco’s Schools

HAF Intern- Marrakech  Lund University, Sweden As part of my field visits to HAF’s partners and beneficiaries, I had the opportunity to see and speak to teachers from two schools who are hoping to undertake planting initiatives in January, one in the High Atlas mountain community of Tagelft, the other in the flatter commune of

المغرب العميق بعيون جزائري

– المغرب العميق بعيون جزائري, Sotal Iraq, by Brahim Bahmani Rai (HAF Intern), 28 November 2018 الكاتب: إبراهيم بحماني الراعي متطوع في مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير    بعد انتهاء مرحلة التعليم الجامعي في شهر يونيو سنة 2018 فكرت في تنظيم رحلة سياحية الى خارج الوطن، فشاءت حكمة الله أن أزور لأول مرة في حياتي البلد المجاور لدولة الجزائر وهي دولة المغرب

Applications Open Now for Community-Led Sustainable Projects in Jordan and Morocco

                 The High Atlas Foundation (HAF), in  partnership with the Bureau of Oceans  and  International Environmental and  Scientific Affairs within the U.S.  Department of State, announce a  call    for applications for community-led  sustainable projects through the  competitive small grants program  “Environmental Challenge”. The Environmental Challenge aims to decentralize decision-making,

Morocco Environment News Summary 12-23rd November

Manon Burbidge HAF Intern- Marrakech Lund University, Sweden Morocco Launches Climate Finance Expertise Programme at “Africities” Conference The Kingdom of Morocco announced a national strategy aimed at funding projects for climate resilience at the Africities Conference on Wednesday, which is currently being held from 20-24th November in Marrakech. The “Sub-National Climate Finance Expertise Programme” is designed

Cooperative Development – It Takes a Village

Case study of the Aboghlou Womens Coopertaive, Ourika It is a sunny Thursday afternoon as Amina El Hajjami, Projects Director at the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), and I drive out of Marrakech towards Ourika in Al Haouz Province, just one hour away. We are visiting the Aboghlou Women’s Cooperative in a small shopfront where 32

Harnessing Corporate Social Responsibility for Community Development

By Amelia Haigh HAF Volunteer from Australia Marrakech In a world where we create a living from shared resources, live in shared communities and all of our actions have flow-on effects, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is essential. It is also becoming more and more common, and we all know the benefits that CSR can provide.

A Model to Implement Sustainable Development in Morocco

– A Model to Implement Sustainable Development in Morocco, SAIS Review of International Affairs, by Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President) 12 October 2018.  In terms of human development potential, Morocco is a nation of immense promise, where gifted fortunes of nature such as wide-ranging organic agricultural products come together with dynamic social development frameworks. This could launch the

Seeding New Projects for the 2019 Planting Season

Manon Burbidge HAF Intern- Marrakech Lund University, Sweden January is the traditional tree-planting season in Morocco, meaning that right now, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is gearing up to take on new tree-planting project ideas that are springing up across the country. Last week, I joined Errachid, HAF’s project manager, on his site visits to

Morocco Environment News Summary for W/b 5th November

Manon Burbidge HAF Intern- Marrakech Lund University, Sweden Eco-Friendly Public Transport in Safi The urban commune of Safi announced that it would be introducing eco-friendly buses into the city from 1st January 2019. 45 new buses, which are engineered in Germany and tailored for those with special mobility needs will join the fleet in the new

Beyond Cultural and Religious Boundaries

By Professor Afaf Hamzaoui  Faculty of Languages, Arts and Human Sciences in Ait Melloul Dr. Yossef Ben- Meir, president of High Atlas Foundation and he is one of my best friends, asked me if I would like to meet a group of American-Jewish ladies who would like to know about the Moroccan historical background as

Fruit for Thought at the Children’s Protection Center in Fes

The Fruit Tree Nursery at Abdelaziz Ben Driss, the Center for the Protection of Children in Fes as a Case Study According to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Centers for Protection of Children in Morocco are those spaces that are responsible for the re-education of juvenile delinquents, who are referred by the judicial

Interview with President of the High Atlas Foundation, Yossef Ben-Meir, ph.d.

This interview was conducted by Hajar Ennamli, a student of the National School of Commerce and Management in Oujda, with Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, president of the High Atlas Foundation. 29th October 2018 Q: Tell me a little about your negotiation experiences? A: One can make the case that community development is ultimately a negotiation challenge. Can

حملة بيئية ومائية ببوجدور

مشروع مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير وسيمانس كميسة للطاقة المتجددة. أمينة الحجامي (مديرة مشاريع مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير، حانة الزاوي (مديرة مشروع ببوجدور) إندريانتي ليهارديناتا متطوعة مع المؤسسة من جامعة بيبردين. تعمل مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير (HAF) وشركة سيمانس كميسة للطاقة المتجددة (SGRE) على إقامة شراكات منذ يوليوز الماضي وذلك للقيام بحملة بيئية وكذا توفير مياه الشرب النظيفة بالمناطق

Effective Practices to Sustain Development in Morocco

– Effective Practices to Sustain Development in Morocco, Scoop World, by Kerstin Opfer (Graduate Student and HAF Volunteer), 11 October 2018. • Arabic: Ach Press, 17 October 2018. Natural landscapes are declining worldwide. Approximately 30 percent of the world’s natural forests are expected to be lost by the end of this century. Further, 25 percent of all land on