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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY


Tandem 360°: A Unique Experience in the Time of Corona


Imane Akhezzane HAF Programs’ Director Caption: The hybrid participants’ forum from the 15th to the 20th of October 2020 On June 25, 2020, I participated  in a webinar organized by Darpe regarding a call for applications for a cultural exchange program funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by MitOst e.V., a German

Le Cadre Conventionnel Des Droits De L’homme Au Maroc


Étudiants en droit participant à un atelier pour les préparer à fournir une aide juridique aux populations mal desservies au Maroc (automne 2019) La notion de droits de l’Homme remonte au 18 siècle, plus précisément à l’époque des Lumières. Cette conception se base sur l’idée que l’Homme tient des droits qui constituent la propriété personnelle,

Personal Development & Participatory Communication Training | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes


Law students at the Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah participate in a training on Personal Development and Participatory Communication. On October 17th and 24th, 2020 the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in Fes (FSJES-USMBA) held a

Migration and Employment | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes


Students at University Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences participate in a training on migration and asylum practices in Morocco. On Saturday, November 21, 2020 an expert in the field of migration and asylum conducted a training on Migration and Asylum for students participating in the program to become student clinicians

Morocco’s Multiculturalism for Sustainable Development


Morocco’s Multiculturalism for Sustainable Development, Scoop World, By Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President). • Arabic: Arab Voice, 24 November 2020. • French: World News, 24 November 2020. One ought not to doubt the Kingdom of Morocco’s abiding sincerity in its commitment to the principles of multiculturalism and to the diverse identities that constitute the whole of this Islamic nation. This embracing on

Migration and Asylum Training | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes


Program Manager Students, clinic staff, and facilitators pose for a photo following the technical training on migration and asylum practices in Morocco. On Saturday, November 14, 2020, the newly inducted cohort of student clinicians in the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in Fes attended

A New Nursery Is Coming to Life


Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, F2F Program Caption: High Atlas Foundation local USAID Farmer-to-Farmer volunteer Hicham (green shirt) seen in the field COVID-19 impeded the Farmer-to-Farmer Program (F2F) due to travel restrictions preventing U.S. volunteers from traveling overseas. As a solution, USAID encouraged its implementing partners to create paired assignments, linking volunteer experts from the United

Farmer-to-Farmer Local and U.S. Volunteers Collaborate in Morocco


Caption: High Atlas Foundation’s USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer Rachida meeting women in Tassa Ouirgane. During the shut-down and uncertainties resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, USAID encouraged Farmer-To-Farmer (F2F) implementers worldwide to support local Volunteers, paired with remote U.S. Volunteers, as they collaborate with agricultural cooperatives and education centers in achieving their goals. The High Atlas Foundation

Entrepreneurship Training | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes


Law students engaged in the entrepreneurship training at University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah As part of International Entrepreneurship Week, the Legal Clinic (CJFD) of the Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences at the University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah (USMBA) in Fes and the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) organized a training for students in partnership

Public Participation in Environmental Protection in Jordan and Morocco


Caption: MIRRA irrigation project: Farm 2 after repairing the well and the preparations to plant crops on the land Within the framework of a Small Grants’ project that the High Atlas Foundation administers in collaboration with the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES), the U.S Department of State  (DOS),  to promote

Women’s Leadership: Driving Change


Picture from the webinar Women’s Leadership On October 28th, 2020, the University of Hassan II in partnership with Stevens Initiative launched a webinar on Women’s Leadership: Driving Change. Dr. Driss Ouaouicha, Delegate Minister of Higher Education, opened the webinar by introducing and welcoming the participants as well as the audience. The webinar was mainly about

Family Planning: Awareness Is Key


Caption: The invitation to the conference organized by the Center for Middle East Studies During the last week of September, the Center for Middle East Studies at Brown University organized a conference on “Decolonization, Development and State Building in North Africa”. The panels were facilitated by Ph.D. researchers who are interested in the North African

The I-Tree International Academy Learning Journey


F2F Finance Officer | Lead Empowerment Trainer Photo by: i-Tree One of the High Atlas Foundation’s (HAF) USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) team members, Fatima Zahra Laaribi, was selected from a competitive pool of applicants to attend the “2020 i-Tree International Academy” —a three- month online training organized by the US Forest Service International Programs, Northern Research Station, and

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: The Value of Men as Allies


اليوم العالمي للقضاء على العنف ضد المرأة: عندما يصبح الرجل حليفا لقضية المرأة, Beirut Times, By Errachid Montassir (HAF project manager). On November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, HAF celebrates its community partners who work tirelessly toward gender equality. November 25th marks the International Day for the Elimination of

The Women Farmers of Tassa Ouirgane Nursery: From Seeds to Saplings


HAF Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator Caption: High Atlas Foundation, Tassa Ouirgane Nursery “Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper, That we may record our emptiness.” -Kahlil Gibran I always believed that trees are the source of life for humans. HAF encourages the Moroccan

The Role of Islamic Philanthropy in Supporting Refugees During the Covid-19 Pandemic


HAF Programs Assistant  Caption: BORGEN Magazine is an initiative of The Borgen Project. “To save lives, stay at home!” These words are an injunction to avoid the worst of the health crisis. It was the necessary collective response to the outbreak of a virus whose human-to-human transmission caused the first pandemic of the 21st century.

International Toilets’ Day: Save a Life


Caption: November 19th is the UN International Day of Toilets On the 19th of November each year, the United Nations celebrates the International Day of Toilets. This day is meant to raise awareness about the situation of 4.2 billion individuals who do not have access to hygiene services such as toilets and also showcase their

International Men’s Day: Bridging the Gender Divide Through Women’s Empowerment


Errachid Montassir & Said El Bennani HAF Project Managers HAF staff member Hassan Ait Ouatouch  and HAF volunteer Houria Chouhab planting an Argan tree with the members of Mogador Argan Women’s Cooperative in Essaouira – 2019 Photo by: Ilyas Dkhissi The concept of gender as a social construct is often met with resistance. While attempts

Haf’s Errachid Montassir Wins the Amwaj Water and Energy Mediathon Award


Errachid Montassir at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the Climate Action Summit, September 2019. Errachid Montassir, High Atlas Foundation (HAF) Project Manager and Volunteer Coordinator for the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Program, won the Water and Energy Award at the Mediathon organized by AMWAJ, CEWAS and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Water and Energy ‘Mediathon’, a capacity-building event,

Family Mediation & Reconciliation in Morocco | USMBA Legal Aid Clinic, Fes


Students at the USMBA Legal Aid Clinic in Fes participate in a roleplay exercise designed to allow them to apply their technical knowledge to a case study related to Moroccan family law. On November 7, 2020 the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in Fes

How Skin Care Tackles Climate Change


A wrinkled tree Analogy To care for the people or for your own wellbeing is by no means a contradiction to protecting the environment. While conventional agriculture ensures efficient food production, it still risks the health of many billion people by polluting ground waters, emitting CO2 and further reducing overall biodiversity. But strikingly, the dichotomy

Lettre De Remerciement


Morocco at a Crossroads: The Time Is Now


Morocco at a Crossroads: The Time Is Now, Qwenu, By Yossef Ben-Meir and Ellen Hernandez. Harnessing the experiences and the history of religious and ethnic minorities in Morocco must be a priority before the holders of that knowledge are lost to time. Moroccan-based civil associations, with the right support, are in an ideal position to gather

Migrants Face “Double Threat” amid Coronavirus Pandemic


Migrants face “double threat” amid Coronavirus pandemic, Media Monitors Network, By Jacqueline Skalski-Fouts. • Arabic: Akhbaar, 22 Octobre 2020. French version As an economic recession looms, migrants vulnerable to poverty, facing conflict, displacement, or unsafe working and living conditions require greater economic support as unemployment rises, access to PPEs, and legal assistance. Migrant workers have been at the

Haf Partnerships Essential to Sustainable Tree Planting


The High Atlas Foundation relies on its partners for successful sustainable development projects. Public and private, local, national, and international – the agencies, companies, universities, groups, and individuals who support HAF make possible the fulfillment of its mission. By Yossef Ben-Meir The High Atlas Foundation would not have survived for the past twenty years without

Covid-19: Fighting Hand in Hand


Program Coordinator Friends of Europe invitation for the online debate On the 24th of September, a debate about “Health, welfare, and prosperity: an EU-Africa partnership for a people-centered approach to human development” was held as part of the weekly virtual debates that Friends of Europe organized to strengthen the African-European relations. They invited decision-makers from

في اطار رصد وتقييم الأشجار المثمرة بالمؤسسات التعليمية


بقلم: محمد القادري تأتي عملية التتبع والتقييم كأخر مرحلة في المشاريع، بعد الثلات مراحل الأولى ، حيت تعتبر مرحلة مهمة وحاسمة في المسار والأشواط التي يقطعها المشروع، كما تعتبر كركيزة أساسية لانجاح اي مشروع تنموي، من خلال مقارنة الأهدافه بالنتائج، ومعرفة مدى ملائمة المشروع للفئة المستهدفة،  تقف كذلك مرحلة التتبع والتقييم على الفعالية والكفاءة ثم

Bringing Poverty to Heel


Bringing Poverty to Heel, The New Dawn Liberia, By Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President). • Arabic: Maghress, 15 Octobre 2020. • French: Libération, 20 Octobre 2020. Agricultural cooperative members planning their local projects in Morocco’s Oujda Region (High Atlas Foundation, 2020). October 17 marks the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The commemoration of this day suggests that the way to end poverty

Multiculturalisme Et Unite : Une Alchimie Dont Le Maroc a Le Secret

Multiculturalisme et Unité : une alchimie dont le Maroc a le secret, Libération, Par Yossef Ben-Meir et Kati Roumani. Arabic version HOUSE OF LIFE est une initiative agricole innovante dont les implications sont profondes et ont un écho avec l’actualité mondiale. La particularité du programme réside dans son aspect interculturel. HOUSE OF LIFE organise le prêt

Climate Literacy: Educating the next Generation for an Environmental Revolution


Earthday’s Climate Literacy webinar  announcement During the last week of September, the Earth Day organization held a webinar entitled “Igniting Climate Literacy: Creating a Citizenry Ready and Willing to Act Now and Build a Sustainable Economic Future” to celebrate the 50th annual Earth Day. Organizers of the event gathered notable panelists from around the world