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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY


Making the Farmer King: Why Fair Trade Is a Big Deal

Making the Farmer King: The Need to Shift Our Approach to Agriculture, Morocco World News. By Olufunmilayo Aiyegbusi The Hague, Netherlands Looking through my grandfather’s diary 25 years after his death, I got some insights into the life of a farmer. Although he had three farms which would have added up to at least 100

مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير وشركائها: المساهمة الفريدة في التنمية المستدامة

تشبتا بمبادئها التنموية، ولزرع قيم الثقافة البيئية والتنمية المستدامة، أشرفت إدارة مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بمعية شركائها الأوفياء، شركة سيمانس كاميزا للطاقات المتجددة (SGRENe)، بتوزيع وغرس شتلات الأشجار المثمرة بإقليم بوجدور نزولا عند رغبات الساكنة، مع مراعاة مبدأ المقاربة التشخيصية التشاركية، وتفعيلا لشراكة مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير وشركة سيمانس كاميزا للطاقات المتجددة، انتقل طاقم المؤسسة جنوبا ممثلا

تيديلي مسفيوة، رحلة إنجاز

زينب لعظم مسؤولة ميدانية بمشروع من فلاح إلى فلاح مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير، مراكش ماذا عن حياةٍ رتيبةٍ مفتقرةٍ إلى حماسٍ يهزها إلى حيث تشهد النجاح؟ يزداد هذا السؤال حدةً عندما يطرحه عليك أحدهم، فتجيب عليه وأنت تنظر إلى واقعك بين مكذبٍ ومصدق. وكم نشعر بالخجل حين نسمع ضميرنا يحدثنا ليلاً بدروسٍ تحثُ على الاستفاقة صوب

Q&A with HAF President Yossef Ben-Meir about HAF’s Carbon Sequestration Model

By HAF Team Approximately 100,000 almond, walnut, and cherry saplings grow in the Tadmamt nursery on land lent in-kind by the Department of Water and Forests – Marrakech-Safi. HAF has ambitions to enhance the monitoring of its trees, measure carbon sequestration at a scientifically and socially responsible standard, and promote reinvestment back into the sustainable

Climate Change, its Relationship to Afforestation, and the Contribution of the High Atlas Foundation

Arabic version Written by Youssef Taheri, HAF Volunteer Translated from Arabic by Kaoutar Ait Lahaj, HAF Program Coordinator A photo exemplifying the effect of climate change What is meant by climate change? The concept of climate change is generally defined as the changes that occur at the level of the climate with a rise in

Together, for Earth and for Morocco

Dear friends, It is a special time of year – and a special week. We are celebrating the earth, our volunteers and partners, and the holy month of Ramadan. With the close of the planting season, our team is now visiting villages in 39 provinces across Morocco to monitor the 700,000 trees planted this year

A Gathering Among Partners for Opportunities in Fes

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir President, HAF On April 9, the High Atlas Foundation and the University Sidi Mohamed ben Abdellah (USMBA) in Fes shared together a wonderfully memorable afternoon with the United States Chargé d’Affaires, David Greene, and his colleagues from the U.S. Embassy and USAID. The purpose of our gathering was to discuss the

Offsets in Lockdown: Why COVID-19 Calls for Social Global Carbon Credits

A Unified Emissions Trading System By Finn Grundmann With a value of $299 billion, the trade of carbon credits has become one of the fastest growing markets globally. But with growth comes complexity and a global challenge. In working with the market’s many requirements, rules, and standards, I learned quickly that both simplicity and partnership

Blooming Morocco: One Argan Seed at a Time

Blooming Morocco: One Argan Seed at a Time, Morocco World News, By Zuha Afzal – HAF-UVA Intern. Zuha Afzal – HAF-UVA Intern Deciphering effective mechanisms for long term growth is a journey that most certainly involves a variety of factors to be considered. Factors such as sustainable growth, women empowerment, clean drinking water, and planting

A Baraka Day: The High Atlas Foundation Signs A Partnership Agreement with Cadi Ayyad University

Sanae Benaadim HAF Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator Dr.Yossef Ben-Meir and President Moulay Lahcen Hbid signed the partnership agreement at Wilaya of Marrakech. On Friday, March 27, I was honored to accompany my colleagues, the President of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir,  and HAF Program Assistant, Lahcen Ait Ouatouch, to the regional

”…من قلب النساء…”

– ”…من قلب النساء…”, sotal Iraq, Zineb Laadam. زينب لعظم مسؤولة ميدانية بمشروع Farmer to Farmer مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير ٬ مراكش كتب هذا المقال عن ورشة تخيل التي أقيمت بالنادي النسوي بأمزميز، اقليم الحوز جهة مراكش آسفي، في إطار التمكين الذاتي للنساء٬ الذي تشرف عليه مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير بتمويل من المشروع الأمريكي (من فلاح إلى

Visite de Monsieur David Greene, Chargé d’Affaires de l’Ambassade des Etats-Unis au Maroc, à la Clinique Juridique de la Faculté de Droit de l’Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah à Fès

Par : Nabil Bouagba – Coordinateur de programmes L’Université de Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah Fès (USMBA) et la Fondation du Haut Atlas (HAF) ont eu l’honneur, vendredi 9 avril, d’accueillir M. David Green, Chargé d’Affaires des Etats-Unis d’Amérique à Rabat et membres du corps diplomatique américain, accompagné du président de l’université et du doyen de

FENELEC: Renewable Energy in a Moroccan Jewish Community-Managed Nursery

Kaoutar Ait Lahaj Social Media Program Coordinator On Sunday, February 20, 2021, the High Atlas Foundation inaugurated the solar water pumping system at our Akrich nursery. We are grateful to our partner FENELEC for donating the system and for their commitment  to promoting renewable energy solutions in Morocco.  On February 28, 2021, the High Atlas

Love Your Mother (Language)


Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, Katie Bercegeay, and Sofia Ashooh A mother language is the language of the heart. This Mother Language Day the High Atlas Foundation celebrates the people of Morocco and recognizes the importance of human connection and understanding to achieve sustainable development. We are able to express ourselves in our mother language unlike any

Confronting Climate Change: Afforestation Efforts in the Imilchil Circle


Karam-Yane Azzabi, HAF Programs Coordinator High Atlas Foundation’s Karam-Yane Azzabi met with representatives from the Akhiam Association as well as farmers in the Imilchil Circle to discuss afforestation efforts and changes in local agriculture. It was with great enthusiasm that I hit the road to Imilchil from Marrakech. I knew that the road was long,

Conflict Resolution and Mediation | USMBA Legal Aid Clinic, Fes


Aissam Oukerroum, Programs Assistant Meryeme Lakhal, CJFD Student Clinician Student clinicians at the Legal Aid Clinic in Fes participate in an activity to apply principles of conflict resolution and mediation. On December 26, 2020, the Legal Aid Clinic (CFJD) housed in the Faculty of Social, Juridical, and Economic Legal Studies at University Sidi Mohamed Ben

Reflections from an IMAGINE Women’s Empowerment Workshop Participant


By Malika Jumad Participants from HAF’s IMAGINE Women’s Empowerment Workshop in Douar Sidi Ali Ofaris, Siti Fadma Province. This blog is a reflection from a recent beneficiary of HAF’s self-empowerment workshop in Douar Sidi Ali Ofaris, Siti Fadma Province. My name is Malika Jumad. I am 23 years old, and I live in Ourika in

HAF Celebrates Tree Planting Day 2021 with the People of Morocco


La HAF Célèbre La Journée De Plantation D’arbres 2021 Avec Le Peuple Marocain, World News, By Sanae Benaadim. • Arabic: World News, 11 February 2021. Sanae Benaadim HAF’s Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator Caption: The High Atlas Foundation, led by President Yossef Ben-Mier, planting the first tree with a farmer in the Herbil commune to inaugurate

National Human Trafficking Awareness Month: Morocco


By Aissam Oukerroum, HAF Programs Assistant January is Human Trafficking Awareness month.Student clinicians at the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in Fes (FSJES-USMBA) will be working with some of the most vulnerable populations in the Fes-Meknes region. January 2021 is National Human Trafficking Awareness

Migrant Access to Bank Financing in Morocco | USMBA Legal Aid Clinic, Fes


Program Coordinator Student clinicians from the USMBA Legal Aid Clinic in Fes pose for a photo after completing a training on bank financing to assist migrants in Morocco. On December 12, 2020, the Legal Aid Clinic (CJFD) housed in the Faculty of Social, Juridical, and Economic Legal Studies at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Adbellah (FSJES-USMBA)

Women’s Empowerment with Farmer-to-Farmer in Tidili Mesfioua


HAF Project Manager & F2F Volunteer Coordinator Women from Tidili Mesfioua created two new women’s cooperatives after attending IMAGINE Women’s Empowerment workshops with the High Atlas Foundation. Women’s empowerment is a crucial aspect of the High Atlas Foundation’s (HAF) work with the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program. Last week, the F2F team took a trip to

Meet Hajiba Boumasmar, Program Coordinator of the High Atlas Foundation


Meet Hajiba Boumasmar, Program Coordinator of the High Atlas Foundation, freskincare. The High Atlas Foundation The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is an American-Moroccan nonprofit that focuses on different areas: youth, women, water, capacity building, cuture, and agriculture. HAF’s work in the agricultural sector includes building tree nurseries, planting seeds, planting and distributing saplings and monitoring tree growth. HAF

زيارة تفقدية لمشتل جمعية الجالية اليهودية بدوار اقريش بتمصلوحت

بقلم : المتطوع لعريش امين قامت مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير بزيارة تفقدية مع بعض المتطوعين زيارة الى جمعية الجالية المغربية اليهودية المتواجدة بدوار اقريش بتمصلوحت وهي عبارة عن زيارة لدراسة ومعرفة مراحل تطور بعض الأشجار المثمرة ونموها، من ضمن هذه الأشجار المثمرة الخروب، الكرم، والرمان وهناك أيضا تم الاتقاء بمسير المشتل السيد عبد الرحيم باداح وقد قام بتزوبدنا

Fresh Approaches to Preserving Moroccan Jewish Archive Material: Marrakesh Genizah Pilot Project


The High Atlas Foundation has a rich history of working with local Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities toward the preservation of cultural heritage. (Photo donated to HAF’s cultural project) The need to protect and conserve written Jewish archival material in Morocco has been identified for decades and grows more acute as the Jewish community resident

6 Ways To #GrowWithUs This Season

6 ways to #GrowWithUs this season Today's the day! Tree planting season in Morocco begins now, and we are busier than ever as we endeavor to plant the most we've ever planted with more people who stand to benefit. Over the course of 3 short months, HAF will transplant 1 million trees to farming communities and schools around Morocco

When Civil and Business Societies Meet


Dr. Yossef BEN-MEIR Président de la High Atlas Foundation FENELEC is dedicated to supporting the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) in its actions to promote tree nurseries that embody social solidarity. FENELEC is providing the essential solar pumping systems, including pumps, solar panels, control cabinets, and piping. The first two nursery sites that have benefited from

HAF Proposals That Integrate Interfaith, Multiculturalism and Development


Here are six intercultural and interfaith projects in Morocco for which the High Atlas Foundation has full proposals. These projects will assist marginalized communities in meeting their livelihood needs, and embody the Moroccan government’s approach for integrating multiculturalism and local development: Restore four Jewish cemeteries (two in Marrakech region, one in Beni Mellal-Khenifra region and one

USAID Farmer-to-Farmer Local Volunteer Developing Local Capacities


HAF USAID Farmer-to-Farmer team and F2F local volunteer meeting with Ms. Hind, the head of public relations for the Mejji Argan Women’s Cooperative, Essaouira province – Meiji rural commune Dec 17, 2020 The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) continues promoting sustainable economic growth, food security, and agricultural development in Morocco through the USAID Farmer-To-Farmer (F2F) program.

Switching to a Sustainable and Circular Business Model | USMBA Legal Aid Clinic, Fes


Law students at the Legal Aid Clinic housed at the Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah participate in a training on Personal Development and Participatory Communication. On November 27, 2020 the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in

Legal Aid Helps Migrants Integrate, Reduces Causes of Smuggling


– Legal Aid Helps Migrants Integrate, Reduces Causes of Smuggling, Scoop World, By Jacqueline Skalski-Fouts. Students at the USMBA Legal Clinic in Fes participate in a roleplay exercise designed to allow them to apply their technical knowledge to a case study related to Moroccan family law. In observance of International Migrants Day, it is important to