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Cemetery of Tiznit

By Omaima Khalil El Fanne, Dakira Cultural Coordinator Cemetery of Tiznit, Photo credit: Jamal Maghiouzi/HAF On Saturday, February 26, 2022, two Dakira Cultural Coordinators had the opportunity to visit the Jewish cemetery of Tiznit, which is located outside the Great Wall of Tiznit. This cemetery was restored in 2016 by Mrs. Georgette Moyale, a Jewish



United Nations Human Settlements Programme: Maimunah Mohd Sharif—on her experience with urban planning and future development

by Noah C. Kohlmayer HAF Intern Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, gave a public lecture on March 14, 2022, organized by The Bartlett Development-Planning Unit, University College of London. UN habitat executive director, Ms. Mohd Sharif, is learning on the cutting edge of innovation. New tools must be

Water Project in Marrakech-Safi Region

By Karam-Yane Azzabi, HAF Program Manager The French NGO Le Partenariat has been engaging in activities surrounding water access, management, and sanitation in the Marrakech-Safi region of Morocco for the past nine years. Recently, they held a conference on their PAEMS 2020-2021 project among rural schools.  The project provides access to water and sanitation in

Teaching Seed Germination and Tree Planting in Marrakech-Safi Region, Farmer to Farmer

By Afra Stenström USAID Farmer to Farmer volunteer planting workshop in Dar Tifl Children’s Center Photo Credit: Jan Stenström As a Farmer to Farmer (F2F) volunteer, I accompanied the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) F2F team to the Dar Tifl children’s home for a workshop on planting. The children ranged from 10 to 13 years old.

Demonstration of Solar Panel Cleaning at HAF Nurseries by Farmer to Farmer Volunteer

By Jan Stenström Farmer to Farmer volunteers and team meet with women of Konouz Lakdirate Cooperative in Youssoufia Photo Credit: Afra Stenström On March 14, the Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team drove to Youssoufia to meet with the women of the Konouz Lakdirate Cooperative. At their nursery, I conducted the first workshop on solar panel

To Eradicate Poverty

To Eradicate Poverty, The Policy Times. Arabic: Sot al Iraq, 14 November 2021. French version By Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech When we think about eradicating poverty on earth, solutions are as old as can be, and at the apex of our most forward-reaching innovation. The pathway forward is the complete blending of ancient knowledge and the

My Fes Gate 2022 Experience

By Yossef Ben-Meir HAF President  I am approaching my 30th year of being involved in Morocco’s sustainable development journey. As in all paths of life, there are surprises that arise in the roles we play and remarkable experiences that can come any day.  Receiving the Fes-Gate Trophy with 14 wonderful others this past week was

Cultivating Stewards of Cultural and Environmental Heritage at Mohamed Elchaikh Primary Schools, Tisfane-Taroudant

Jamal Maghiouzi, Dakira Cultural Coordinator Early in March, I had the opportunity to co-lead, alongside Youssef Tahiri from HAF’s tree team, cultural, environmental, and social activities for the students of Mohamed Elchaikh primary schools in the villages of the Tisfane rural commune. The members of the Tisfane community and its civil society contributed to the

Transformational Development in Decentralized Renewable Energy in Morocco

Transformational Development in Decentralized Renewable Energy in Morocco, Scoop world. Arabic: Cawalisse, 22 March 2022. French version By Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech, Morocco What we know Renewable energy (RE) sources power transformational outcomes for community development projects from all sectors. To secure cross-cutting benefits, localized (or decentralized) RE initiatives need to embody the same essential feature

World Water Day

By: Salma Derkaoui, HAF Volunteer “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” —W. H. Auden World Water Day has been an internationally celebrated day on March 22 of every year since 1992. This day is a global occasion to demonstrate the importance of water in our lives and showcase the vital role of

The Second Training Workshop for the Be Green Program, Berkane Province

By Lahssan Ben Moula Be Green workshop held in Berkane Province Photo credit: lahssan Within the framework of its environmental and awareness activities, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), in coordination with the Environment and Human Association in the city of Berkane, organized a field training workshop for a group of young people in the eastern

United Nations- High-level Thematic Debate “Galvanising Momentum for Universal Vaccination”

Hanna Tuoriniemi, HAF Volunteer and University of Michigan Student On February 25th, I attended the United Nation’s High-Level Thematic Debate, entitled “Galvanising Momentum for Universal Vaccination.” The event highlighted the importance of ensuring that everyone has the ability to be vaccinated against COVID-19, as it is essential to transitioning out of the pandemic. The debates

ICEQ Conference 2022: A look at current and future approaches on education and sustainable development

by Noah Kohlmayer HAF Intern On Friday the 11th of March, I attended the fifth annual international conference on education quality hosted and organized by the University Ibn Zohr of Agadir. The invited speakers’ talks I heard were focused on the general topic of “national and local policy initiatives.” This set’s chair was Ms. Nena

International day of forests

By Salma Derkaoui, HAF volunteer Our daily life is full of basic needs, needs that we as human beings must acknowledge and cherish. It is not a secret that we need water and food to survive, shelter to protect ourselves from the cold, the heat, as well as the danger
 The homes we live in,

Ouled Brahim Imagine Workshop (Zine)

By Bouchra Zine, EU Family Literacy On the fourth of March, EU Family Literacy team in Beni Mellal- Khenifra visited Ouled Brahim village, Boulnouar commune, Khouribga province, in order to conduct an IMAGINE workshop for 21 local female beneficiaries. As any other workshop in a new place, women were a little bit shy at the

Preceding Mourchidat and Participation with Empowerment

by Yossef Ben-Meir and Fatima Zahra Laaribi In Morocco, the mourchidat program that trains women in Islamic theology to equip them to deliver the religious-based human service functions as done by imams, other than leading prayers, is an example of having placed women’s advancement within an Islamic framework. The approach, which has gained appeal in some sub-Saharan

Among friends in Tameslouht

By Hiba Oulassri HAF Volunteer It was a pleasure meeting new people from different cultures and religions during Friday’s event.  Firstly, I did not have an idea what I would learn until I discovered that the event’s larger purpose was to encourage cooperation between two religious peoples, Jewish and Muslims. I was very appreciative of

Imagine Workshop in Tinfidin village

Bouchra Zine,  HAF Program Coordinator « If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. »  Nelson Mandela In regard to Nelson Mandela’s sentiment, the EU Family Literacy team in Beni Mellal-Khenifra didn’t hesitate to

Water project in Beni Mellal within the drought challenge in Morocco

By Karam-Yane Azzabi, Program Manager Local authorities of Ait Oum El Bekht and Zaouia Cheikh discuss Douar Ghirane water project  On February 14th and 15th, HAF Program Manager Karam-Yane Azzabi met the local authorities of Ait Oum El Bekht and Zaouia Cheikh (Beni Mellal province) in order to discuss how the water project of Douar

Cooperatives and women’s empowerment: the story of Konouz Lakdirate

By Zineb Laadam, Field Officer Farmer-to-Farmer team with Lakdirate cooperative in the data collection sessions, (Photo credit: F2F team, 2022) At first glance Mrs. Malika Mesbahi, Mrs. Essadia Nadir look no different from any other rural women in Morocco. They live in a far-away area called Lakdirate in Al Youssoufia Province, about 90 km from

HAF Inspires Youth in Quaryati

Sanae Benaadim HAF Program Manager, EU Family Literacy On February 25th, HAF’s President, Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, and HAF’s Program Manager, Sanae Benaadim, were invited by the US Embassy in Morocco and the Anoual Association to take part as speakers for the networking event of the first American Leadership Academy (ALA) in Quaryati in Sidi Abdellah

Community Meetings in the Beni Mellal Region

By Bouchra Zine Family Literacy Program Field Officer On Wednesday February 9, 2022, two members of the Family Literacy Program team in Beni Mellal-Khenifra went to Ait Oum El Bakht commune, Beni Mellal province, to meet el Khlifa there. Mr. Mohammed Abdeladim kindly hosted the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) team and continued to express gratitude

East Africa Workshop on Stakeholder Engagement

By Aya Ladgham HAF Volunteer On the 25th of February 2022, there was a meeting about how to build a platform for Research and Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture. Dr. Loannis Dimitriou started by talking about the challenges for this collaboration, such as no one knowing who is doing what

Sharing the Experience of the Legal Clinic in Fez with the Trainees of the Legal Clinic in Marrakech

by Amina El Hajjami HAF Director of Programs It has become a certainty that access to legal information is nowadays paramount, and with it, the idea of ​​a legal clinic has become the right way to deliver this knowledge with the aim of promoting the rights of vulnerable and weak groups of individuals in our

PMDER: Final Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Workshop; 22 & 23 February 2022

By Noah Cedric Kohlmayer On February 22 and 23, 2022, I attended the final Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Workshop in Marrakech and Youssoufia. One of the guests included Kerstin Opfer, a Germanwatch representative, HAF long-time friend, and former staff member. Another guest was senior energy advisor for Power Shift Africa: Amos Wemanya. University professor, state engineer, and

Environment Workshop at a School in Berkane

By Lahcen Ben Moula  The High Atlas Foundation (HAF), which is pioneering the production and distribution of fruit trees, organized an environmental workshop for the benefit of secondary school students at Abi Bakr Al-Razi, in the city of Berkane, in partnership with the Association of Parents and Parents of Students and the Administrative and Educational

Report – Communication with Students at the Legal Clinic in Marrakech

Ms. Amina El-Haijami, Project Manager of the legal clinic Cadi Ayyad run by the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), held a virtual discussion with student trainees, to explain the legal clinic’s work map. This began with an introduction to HAF, a Moroccan-American non-profit organization committed to promoting sustainable development through a participatory approach to support the

Participatory Approach with women of Fares Cooperative

Souad El Khadiri, Coordinatrice de Terrain (Field Coordinator) du Programme de projet de l’UE dans la rĂ©gion de Marrakech-Safi Dans le cadre du projet d’alphabĂ©tisation familiale Ă  Marrakech-Safi en collaboration avec l’Union europĂ©enne, la Fondation du Haut Atlas a organisĂ© une rĂ©union de travail (atelier) communautaire le 3 fĂ©vrier 2022, dans la localitĂ© de Sidi

Participatory Approach with women of Al Jamaan Cooperative

By Souad El Khadiri, Field Coordinator de programme de projet d’UE dans la rĂ©gion de Marrakech Safi En partenariat avec la Fondation du Haut Atlas et l’Union EuropĂ©enne dans le cadre du projet «AlphabĂ©tisation familiale Ă  Marrakech-Safi», une visite a Ă©tĂ© organisĂ©e dans la commune Setti Fadma, dans la province du Haouz dans le but