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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

Apply by March 1 for the education abroad program by HAF & UVA

Dear Friend,

March 1st is the deadline to apply for the education abroad program – Participatory Development in Practice – offered by the University of Virginia and instructed by the High Atlas Foundation.

Undergraduate students of the world, we hope that you send in your application to have personal and community development experiences that empower and create sustainable change. For eight weeks this summer, starting May 25th, theory becomes alive for students and we will build our abilities in facilitating people’s participation in local development action.

Writing about how community experiences resonate in our world is also a central part of the UVA-HAF program. Research, write, and publish with us – advocate for wider social change – which many of our students have wonderfully done.

There are just a few days left to apply. Go for it, for you, Morocco, and our world.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir
High Atlas Foundation, Marrakech

PS: I would be amiss to not mention: there are just a few weeks left in the tree planting season. Plant all you can, plant with us, plant with others.


UVA and Moroccan participants after an empowerment workshop, High Atlas Mountains, 2019




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