The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is growing as fast as the hundreds of thousands of well-maintained walnut saplings we have planted in several regions of Morocco in recent years. The HAF is moving closer to becoming a large-scale creator of green-jobs in Morocco, while continuing to provide participatory training and development based on community-expressed needs with the people we work with in rural and urban project sites.
As the HAF continues to pioneer into new areas, it is vital to keep strong leadership within the organization to bring strategic insights into future planning and development. The HAF is so proud to warmly welcome its new Chair of the Board of Directors, Thomas Anderson, a person who deeply understands the needs of Moroccan people and the challenge and promise of sustainable development, thanks to his wealth of experiences as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the High Atlas, Director of the United Seamen’s Service in Casablanca, and Manager of the Peace Corps Fellows Program at the Institute for Rural Affairs in Illinois, U.S.A.
He is currently an Assistant Professor andDepartment Chair of Recreation at Lyndon State College in Vermont. His courses include Leadership, Program Planning, Management, and Research Methods. Thom is an innovator, an academic, and a generous and bold leader.
Mr. Anderson has been a longtime supporter of the HAF and its participatory development mission since its very beginning, serving as a Co-Founder of the Foundation back in 2000. His commitment to the HAF and to Morocco runs deep and long. He views the human development goals of the HAF both in the big picture and with attention to detail needed for success, serving as a natural leader – devoted to working through opportunities as a team.
The High Atlas Foundation and its supporters have high hopes to achieve our plan to be active in all the provinces of Morocco, and build a green rural economy that generates income for families and revenue to build schools and women’s cooperatives, establish clean drinking water and irrigation systems, and plant community tree nurseries. We are fully confident we can do so under Thom’s leadership, and with the will of the Moroccan communities we serve.
Although you have always been a part of us, Thom, we would like to sincerely welcome you in your new capacity as Chair. We are honored to have you leading the HAF Team.