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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

An Evening for Morocco’s Future

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir

October 28, 2015

HAF president Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir expresses his gratitude for last week’s event hosted by the United States Ambassador to the Kingom of Morocco, Mr. Dwight Bush, in his Rabat home, Villa America, where a reception was held to celebrate the human development work of the High Atlas Foundation in Morocco.

Dear friends,

The gracious hospitality of the U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. Dwight Bush Sr., ensured a highly memorable evening in honor of the High Atlas Foundation, whose great joy lay in bringing us all together.

I believe the reception at Villa America with the Ambassador, the Director of the Peace Corps Ms. Ellen Paquet, the Advisor to the King of Morocco Mr. André Azoulay, the UNDP Representative Mr. Philippe Poinsot and with so many other committed people – launched something special and lasting.

Certainly, we took stock of HAF’s human development efforts in Morocco over the past fifteen years since it came into being. Certainly too, we talked about combining our energies so that we can achieve far greater dreams for the most marginalized communities.

As we all know, have experienced, and feel, Moroccan rural people possess boundless strength and commitment to achieve their own development transformation.

It is in our hands to give Moroccan families what they need for them to build their own future.  The question is; can we actually provide them the seeds they need? Can we help give them the materials and capacity-building opportunities to support their implementation of vital sustainable projects? Can we, together, fill these lands with life-giving organic trees and medicinal plants? We have just a short time to answer yes and to mobilize.

The planting season starts in January and the contributors of land for tree nurseries exist and are diverse in scope. The Moroccan Jewish community, with its House Of Life project, the High Commission of Water and Forests, provinces and municipalities within the Kingdom, cooperatives, schools and ordinary citizens – all these have given a catalyst essential to overcome systemic rural poverty: land for nurseries.

We hope that you enjoy the pictures of our evening together at Villa America. On behalf of the High Atlas Foundation, thank you with all our hearts for participating and for sharing together in our belief and purpose.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir


High Atlas Foundation

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