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Monthly Archives: May 2023

Women Transform their Horizons in Rural Morocco

– Women Transform Their Horizons In Rural Morocco, Scoop.      • French: Article19, 30 Mai 2023. By Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech Imagine empowerment workshop participants join hands in a closing ceremony. Photo by HAF A research study reveals the positive community impact of sustainable agricultural initiatives when preceded by women’s empowerment workshops, leading to participatory action,

Training is a turning point for Manahil Mallou Cooperative in Guercif

Ibtissam Niri M&E Specialist & Empowerment Coach In the Maskarat village, the Farmer to Farmer program has expanded a cooperative’s beekeeping program, providing in-depth collaborative training for the community. I recently visited Maskarat village for the second time, one year after my first trip there. My purpose in visiting was to complete an impact assessment

Mutually Enhancing USAID Programs Implemented by HAF in Morocco: Farmer-to-Farmer and Dakira

By Majda Stitou Program Coordinator U.S. Consul General Lawrence Randolph meets members from the Akrich and Moroccan Jewish Communities at the interfaith tree nursery (Al Haouz province). Photo: HAF In the Tameslouht municipality of the Al Haouz province, sustainable development and cultural activities are merging, catalyzed by the implementation of HAF’s Dakira and Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F)

Planting Hope: Fruitful Partnerships in Dakhla and the Sahara

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region The High Atlas Foundation is an organization committed to inspiring the next generation of environmentally-conscious individuals. Recently, the HAF team planted fruit trees with schools in Dakhla, which marked the beginning of a successful collaboration in the region.Three schools participated in the fruit tree planting – Nahda

Seeds of Change: Empowering Saharan Nomadic Farmers through Tree Planting

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region Tree planting in the desert. Credits: Volunteer Recently, HAF embarked on a groundbreaking endeavor: planting trees with the Saharan nomadic community for the first time. During initial community forums between HAF and the Saharan nomads, there was significant interest in growing fruit trees despite the challenge of

Strengthening Open Governance: House of Representatives Hosts OGP Workshop in Morocco

By Ibtissam Niri Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Empowerment Coach On April 27th – 28th, 2023, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) hosted a workshop in Rabat in partnership with the House of Representatives. The event was aimed at strengthening open governance practices and fostering engagement between civil society associations and the government. The workshop focused on

The Journey of Aboghlou Cooperative to the International Agricultural Forum

Houria Chouhab F2F Field Officer Aboghlou’s president and assistant at the International Forum of Agriculture in Morocco Aboghlou is a cooperative based in Ourika Valley, a rural commune in the region of Marrakech-Safi in central Morocco. It was established in 2016 by a group of 60 women who were looking to improve their financial situation.

” المجتمع المدني جهة فاعلة أساسية في التضامن والتنمية “

بقلم : يوسف مزدو – مساعد منسق المشروع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير المجتمع  المدني في برنامج تدريب المدربين – مصدر الصورة : المحور الصحفي يساهم تعزيز المشاركة المدنية وبناء المجتمع المدني في تعبئة وتمكين الأفراد والجماعات غير المسموعة في المجتمع. فبرنامج تدريب المدربين المواطنة والمشاركة المدنية الذي أطلقته مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بشراكة مع جامعة القاضي عياض

Faith and Climate: The Road to COP 28

By Aleksander Esmann HAF Intern The webinar “Faith and Climate: The Road to COP 28” took place on May 4, 2023, as a preparatory meeting for COP 28, the UN Climate Change Conference 2023 in Dubai. This session discussed the anticipated main topics of the conference including the role that faith organizations play and what

From Good Governance to Sustainable Agriculture: Advancing USAID’s Goals in Morocco through the F2F Program

Houria Chouhab F2F Field Assistant and Technical Volunteer The Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program is a USAID initiative that promotes sustainable economic growth, agricultural development, and food security by connecting volunteer technical assistance from U.S. experts to farmers, agricultural institutions, and cooperatives in developing countries. F2F began in 1985 and in 2022 volunteer assignments were implemented in

For Morocco’s Sustainable Development, Argan Trees are Deeply Rooted

By Lydia Grossman, HAF’s Intern It’s impossible to travel to Morocco without encountering the Argan tree (Argania Spinosa L.) or its products. Morocco’s multipurpose Argan trees are known around the globe; particularly for Argan oil, which is used in cosmetics and cooking. While argan oil only emerged as a worldwide household name in recent decades,

Planting Argan Trees in Morocco

By Abderrahim Ajarif HAF Project Coordinator The argan tree holds a special place in Moroccan culture and heritage. Morocco is the largest producer of argan products worldwide. The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) with community and worldwide partners celebrate the International Day of Argania on May 10 by increasing awareness of the tree, its surroundings, and

الكنيسة البرتغالية بالصويرة

English Version شهر التراث في المغرب الكنيسة البرتغالية بالصويرة بقلم يفيت بروكس الصويرة، المغرب المدخل الرئيسي للكنيسة البرتغالية، الصويرة، المغرب. الصورة بعدسة: مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير المغرب بلد إسلامي (حوالي 99٪ مسلمون)، لكن احترام الديانات الأخرى أمر منصوص عليه في الدستور. وتعد المملكة موطنا لمجتمع صغير من المسيحيين. الصويرة، المدينة الواقعة على ساحل المحيط الأطلسي في

The Portuguese Church in Essaouira

Arabic Version Heritage Month in Morocco The Portuguese Church in Essaouira By Yvette Broex Essaouira, Morocco The main entrance of the Portuguese church in Essaouira. Photo: HAF Morocco is a Muslim country (almost 99%), but the kingdom’s tolerance regarding other religions is outlined in the constitution and today, Morocco is home to a small Christian

From Personal Growth to Economic Empowerment: The Impact of IMAGINE Workshops with Women in Morocco

Ibtissam Niri HAF-F2F Empowerment Facilitator Empowering women is necessary for creating a sustainable society that challenges gender inequality and encompasses equity in economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions. Pursuing the amplification of women’s voices so that they are drivers in securing their socioeconomic and environmental futures is crucial particularly in rural spaces. Manifesting qualities of

جوانب من الحياة اليهودية في شمال شرق المغرب

English Version شهر التراث في المغرب جوانب من الحياة اليهودية في شمال شرق المغرب بقلم يفيت بروكس وجدة، المغرب على الرغم من أن عددا قليلا من أفراد الطائفة اليهودية لا يزالون يعيشون في وجدة اليوم، إلا أن العديد من مواقع التراث اليهودي تشهد على وجودهم التاريخي في المنطقة الشرقية بالمغرب الكنيس اليهودي بوجدة، المغرب. الصورة

Aspects of Jewish Life in North-Eastern Morocco

Arabic Version Heritage Month in Morocco Aspects of Jewish Life in North-Eastern Morocco By: Yvette Broex Oujda, Morocco Although very few members of the Jewish community still live in Oujda today, several Jewish heritage sites attest to their historic presence in the Oriental region in Morocco. The Grand Synagogue of Oujda. Photo: HAF Oujda, a

Defusing Carbon Bombs in Africa

By Aleksander Esmann HAF Intern The webinar “Defusing Carbon Bombs in Africa” was part of the webinar series “Towards Defusing Global Carbon Bombs”, which was organized in collaboration between the Climate Action Network International (CAN), the Leave It In The Ground Initiative (LINGO) and regional partners, and it took place on April 18, 2023. This