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Daily Archives: February 6, 2023

Memories of the Jewish Community in Southern Morocco

A young hijabi woman wears a silver necklace that resembles an upside-down hand

العربية World Interfaith Harmony Week Glimpsing Memories of the Jewish Community in Southern Morocco: Hnni and Massa Fatma’s Family Aguerd, Taroudant Province, Morocco By Jamal Maghiouzi Massa Fatma is Massa Rachida’s grandmother, and she is 80 years old. She was born in Aguerd village, and she moved to Irazane when she got married. She has

ذكريات مع الطائفة اليهودية جنوب المغرب: هني وعائلة السيدة فاطمة

A young hijabi woman wears a silver necklace that resembles an upside-down hand

English Version أسبوع الوئام العالمي بين الأديان لمحة عن ذكريات حول الطائفة اليهودية جنوب المغرب: هني وعائلة السيدة فاطمة أكرض، إقليم تارودانت، المغرب بقلم: جمال مغيوزي السيدة فاطمة هي جدة السيدة رشيدة، وتبلغ من العمر 80 سنة. ولدت بقرية أكرض، وانتقلت إلى قرية إيرازان عندما تزوجت. ظلت تعتني بوالدتها منذ وفاة والدها. يقطن أفرادا آخرين

High Atlas Foundation holds presentations to University students in London

By Fatima Zahra Laaribi The president of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), Yossef Ben-Meir, and HAF´s Lead Women’s Empowerment Trainer, Fatima Zahra Laaribi, hold presentations at the UCL Faculty of Laws at the Bentham House in London, United Kingdom. Two presentations about the work HAF does in Morocco and the methodologies it applies, including its

Innovation and Creativity in the Dakhla Oued Ed-Dahab Region

Cheikh Akmach HAF Site Coordinator The 2nd International Congress on Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Managerial Innovation was held on November 9th, in Dakhla, with the participation of researchers and academics from Morocco and abroad. Ph.D students specializing in entrepreneurship management participated in the conference. Photo Credits: Cheikh Akmach/HAF Organized by the National School of Business and