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Daily Archives: August 17, 2022

Monitoring Trees in El Mengoub Province of Figuig

by Lahssan Ben Moula HAF-YCC Monitoring trees planted in February 2022 Picture by HAF Monitoring trees with farmers is an essential step in tracking the process of planting trees and their growth in the areas benefiting from the initiative. It opens the way for us to communicate with farmers and assist their agricultural activities with

Cosmetics making in Tendrara Commune

By Mohammed Kerzazi F2F Expert Local Volunteer On July 23rd, and as agreed with the High Atlas Foundation’s (HAF’s) Farmer-to-Farmer team, we went to Tendrara Commune in order to meet up with the members of Les Hauts Plateaux Cooperative at the Tendrara’s cooperatives’office. After the warm welcome of the cooperative’s president, we organized a small