By Addie Simkin, HAF-UVa student intern On Monday morning, June 6, the High Atlas Foundation’s office was crowded with young people. Law students from the University Cadi Ayyad who work with the HAF’s legal aid clinic arrived to participate in an identity mapping workshop with the UVA interns. HAF’s Ikbale Bouziane facilitated our dialogue and
By Susana Fernandez On day two of our visit to Tiznit, the first stop was a school in a rural community that desired funding to improve its water infrastructure. The school has been working on improving the conditions of the school, with having new buildings and creating an agricultural presence on its school grounds. During
by Zoe Costello, HAF-UVA student intern How can you sum up a topic as broad as gender or race in 15 minutes? Is it possible to have such discussions with a large language barrier and between two cultures that have widely different understandings of the concepts? These are questions I pondered after completing a workshop
By Fatima Zahrae Lahlou As a student at the National School of Commerce and Management, I volunteered in an empowerment workshop under the supervision of the High Atlas Foundation in the city of Demnat. A women’s cooperative group led by Mrs. N. participated in the workshop. She is the one who contacted the members of
Ryan Winegardner, UVA/HAF student-intern The road to Tiznit from Marrakech runs through the mountains, a landscape that floats and rises and arcs like the mezzanines and cantilevers and walkways of what could only be a heavenly architecture. Over the red and rocky landscape, the mountains truly seemed to be the spires of fairy-tale castles, and
By Keely Fitzsimmons Cacti in the Souss-Massa region were devastated by the Dactylopius Opuntiae pest. Photo Credit: Keely Fitzsimmons This past Wednesday, I attended a virtual Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) workshop on how to use the SDG Impact Assessment Tool. SDSN member organizations from around the world, including the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), were
Addie Simkin HAF-UVA Intern On Monday I made couscous. That morning, we traveled to a HAF tree planting site to learn about grafting. Abdelilah taught us that grafting is important to the carob trees he supervises because when grafting, the farmer can select for the best flavor and the trees produce fruit years faster than
Zoe Costello HAF-UVA Intern While roaming through the winding hilly streets of the Tangier Kasbah, I made a friend. He was laying in front of a shop front as we walked by, with ribs protruding and matted dirty fur. The merchant shooed him away; sickly strays are bad for business. We all stopped to look
By Soukaina Kherdioui, HAF Dakira Cultural Coordinator I still recall my first time visiting St. Andrew’s Church in Tangier on February 14, 2020: a totally unplanned, enchanting discovery on a sunny Friday afternoon. As new students who had recently moved to the city for graduate school, a couple of friends and I decided to
By Sabine Stratmann HAF-UVA Intern Three interns sitting across from me sparked a game to play. One girl suggested that the people around her should shout out random words, and that she would attempt to make a short story out of those randomly chosen phrases. The boy and girl next to her agreed to attempt
By Hanna Tuoriniemi, HAF Volunteer and University of Michigan Student The High Atlas Foundation is a beacon for multistakeholderism, contributing to the sustainable development of Morocco by promoting better lives for many. One method to classify the impact that they have had can be through positive business. According to the University of Michigan’s Ross School
By Hanna Tuoriniemi, HAF Intern and University of Michigan Student Water has a complex relationship with the Sustainable Development Goals. On one hand, water is a necessity that everyone deserves access to. However, water can also be dangerous in terms of climate change, when we experience an increase in flooding and hurricanes. How will we
يوسف مزدو مساعد مديرة المشاريع – صورة حول اللقاء التشاركي – قامت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير مع شركائها – جامعة القاضي عياض، وجمعية العيادة القانونية للدراسات والأبحاث التابعة لكلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية بمراكش – بفتح حوارًا تواصليا عن بعد عبر منصة Zoom بالتنسيق مع العيادة القانونية بالناظور وبدعم من الصندوق الوطني للديمقراطية ، وبحضور طلاب
يوسف مزدو مساعد مديرة المشاريع يشكل موضوع الصور النمطية في الآونة الأخيرة اهتماما واسعا بين فئات المجتمع ، لذلك قامت العيادة القانونية بجامعة القاضي عياض – كلية العلوم القانونية والإقتصادية والإجتماعية بتنسيق مع اتحاد العمل النسائي بتنظيم دورة تكوينية لطلبتها ، وذلك يوم 31 ماي 2022 في مجمع الإبتكار برئاسة جامعة القاضي عياض في
By Houria Chouhab, F2F Volunteer Technical and Field Assistant The F2F volunteer delivering a workshop to the members of Sanad Cooperative. Photo Credit: Houria Chouhab Until recently, quinoa seeds were not widely known in Morocco and only people who had worked with it before knew of its importance and value. In a needs’ assessment visit
بقلم عبد الحق الحيراني : طالب بسلك ماستر الدراسات القانونية والمدنية بمراكش نظمت العيادة القانونية بمراكش بشراكة مع جمعية اتحاد العمل النسائي بمراكش يوم الأربعاء 06/07/2022 على الساعة العاشرة صباحا بقاعة الاجتماعات بملحقة كلية الحقوق بمراكش ، دورة تكوينية لفائدة طلبتها ،في موضوع :العنف ضد النساء؛مضامين القانون 103.13 تحت تأطير الدكتور زكرياء خليل أستاذ التعليم
تهدف مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير في إطار الاجراءات المتخذة لتعزيز التنمية المستدامة وبشراكة مع مصلحة خدمة الغابات والمياه الأمريكية إلى تبني برنامج فيلق حماية الشباب ، للقيام بدور المحفز للتنمية على مستوى القاعدة الشعبية، في المجتمعات المحلية الضعيفة في جميع أنحاء المغرب، عن طريق تيسير برامج التنمية القائمة على المشاركة، على أساس وأساليب وتقنيات مضمونة النجاح
By Addie Simkin When geologists drill core samples, they’re making historic records in the form of cylinders of ice that contain the climate conditions of hundreds of thousands of years ago. The scientists can select a point on a field of ice, drill into the earth to collect it, and from that sample understand the
By Zineb Laadam HAF Program Manager At first glance, Mrs. Nezha Bazzi, and Ms. Hassna Bazzi look no different from any other rural women in Morocco. They live in a far-away area called Tourit in the Chichaoua Province and lead a relatively common country lifestyle looking after their households. But, that is what appears on
By Kelsey Cashman, UVa Student and HAF Volunteer Camels tied to the ground, Photo by K Cashman, HAF I rode a camel for the first time the other day. I was expecting something magical, like a scene from a movie in which camels run through a vast desert with no roads or buildings in sight.
تحدت السيد الرشيد منتصر المدير الوطني لبرنامج من فلاح لفلاح الذي تشرف عليه مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير صبيحة يوم الجمعة 27 ماي 2022 مع 29 طالبا و طالبة باحثين بجامعة “كارلسون” ،عن الارادة القوية للمملكة المغربية تجاه تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة وانخراطها في هذا المجال، حيث أعطت دفعة قوية و انطلاقة جديدة في تعزيز التقدم والنماء، مؤكدا
Kelsey Cashman HAF-UVA Intern Cover Photo: The 50m well in Rhamna with no water, Photo by K.Cashman The village had no water. On the day I traveled to Rhamna to talk to the President of the Ait Taleb rural municipality about our proposal for solar-paneled wells, there was no water. Their current well dropped 50
By Ryan Winegardner, UVa-HAF Student Intern Keely Fitzsimmons/HAF In the fog at the third school we visited outside Tiznit, I stood on the rocks on the hill and wondered what lay beyond. I could see only a few meters out because of the fog, which hung like a great white curtain separating me from the
By Houria Chouhab F2F Volunteer Technical & Field Assistant The president of Tarsilte Nortane with the F2F and EU Beni Mellal teams. Demnate is a commune in the province of Azilal, Beni Mellal region. This commune is known for its richness of medicinal and aromatic plants, such as thyme and rosemary, in addition to the