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Monthly Archives: April 2022

Participatory Approach: Boutghdiwt village

By Ilham Safi, HAF Program Assistant On April 7, 2022, HAF staff visited Boutghdiwt village in the Khénifra province of Morocco. Here, 24 local women from two cooperatives, the Boutghdiwt Cooperative for Development and the Boutghdiwt Cooperative for Goat Farming, attended and benefited from a participatory workshop facilitated by the HAF Family Literacy team. Both

Planting with the Youth from Dar Tifl

By Houria Chouhab, F2F Volunteer Technical & Field Assistant Planting has always been an interest not only for adults but also for younger kids, and this is what our visit to Dar Tifl Marrakech showed. HAF’s Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team, alongside the U.S. Volunteer Mrs. Afra Stenstrom, paid a first visit to the Dar

مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير كألية لتنمية الإنتاج العمل التشاركي وتحقيق الاستدامة البيئية

يوسف سيكو: متطوع بمؤسسة الاطلس الكبير     بالرغم من أن انبعاثات المغرب من الغازات الدفيئة يبقى متواضعا بالمقارنة مع عدة دول، فإن موقعه الجغرافي يجعله في وضعية هشة حيال التأثيرات السلبية للتغيرات المناخية (جفاف وفيضانات، وعدم انتظام التساقطات على مستوى المكان أو الزمان وكذا ندرة الموارد المائية…). وتزداد هذه الهشاشة استفحالا بسبب تنامي ظاهرة التصحر

HAF Family Literacy team attends the 3rd International Symposium on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Beni-Mellal

By Bouchra Zine, Program Coordinator Program Coordinator Bouchra Zine during her presentation at the International Symposium on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, March 14, 2022, Photo credit: HAF team. On March 14, 2022, the HAF Family Literacy team in Beni Mellal-Khenifra was invited to attend the 3rd International Symposium on Innovation and Entrepreneurship held by the National

HAF Family Literacy team conducts participatory approach workshops in Ait Bouguemez, Azilal province

By Bouchra Zine, Program Coordinator April 12, 2022, 15 women from Talsnant village benefited from a participatory approach workshop conducted by the HAF Family Literacy team in Beni Mellal-Khenifra. The workshop took place in Ait Bouguemez village, Tabant commune, Azilal province. Nine attendees were members of the Tighermin cooperative, but there were some women from

The distribution of trees during 2021/1022

By Fatima El Mrini “Among the activities and programs carried out by the High Atlas Foundation in supporting investment in Morocco’s sustainable development is encouraging its population of 11 million people to consider the transition from barley and corn cultivation to the planting of more profitable crops and fruit trees.   To advance and achieve this

International Mother Earth Day: Appreciating Our Shared Home

By Salma Darkaoui, HAF Volunteer A walnut forest in the heart of the Toubkal municipality, Morocco, March 2022. (Photo/HAF) Our earth, our planet, our home! The best part about having a home is that it will hold everything you experience. Not only happiness but everything else you feel deep inside your heart.  Our planet earth

Do More This Earth Day

By Ava Katz, HAF intern Terraces in the Atlas Mountains are used to grow vegetables for local consumption, Toubkal municipality, Morocco, March 2022. (Photo/HAF) Every year on April 22, the world reflects on the many wonders of the earth and celebrates its beauty. This Earth Day is more crucial than ever in the current face

Virtual Launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in the Near East and North Africa Region

By Hanna Tuoriniemi, HAF Volunteer and University of Michigan Student Introduction Poster to the Webinar Event, “Virtual Launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in the Near East and North Africa Region”. On March 23, 2022, I attended the United Nation’s Virtual Launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in the Near East

من نبع الصحراء

زينب لعظم  مسؤولة ميدانية بمشروع من  من الفلاح الى الفلاج تتناثر في تلك السّماء نجماتٌ لامعةٌ تعكس ضوءها على حبيبات رمل الصّحراء، لتخفي بين رمالها تلك اللمسات التي تشير إلى السكينة التي يستشعرها المرء حينما يكون ضيفًا على أرضها، فالصحراء جمالها ساحر وهواؤها نقي، وما يزيد ذاك الجمال هي تلك الكثبان الرملية التي تبدو للرائي

Taounate Region

By Abdelilah Ghmiza, YCC Tree Monitoring Officer  Taounate is located in the Rif mountains region in northern  Morocco and is the capital of the Taounate region. Taounate is said to mean jbala, referring to the inhabitants of the mountains, and it is the name associated with the natural geography of the region. In Morocco, there

Solar Panel Maintenance at the Communities Nurseries

By Houria Chouhab F2F Volunteer Technical & Field Assistant Morocco, as any other country, has increasing energy demands, and electricity demand has been projected to rise by 250% from 2015 to 2030, causing the demand to double. The economic growth, the increasing Moroccan population, and the nation’s industrial sector are all motivating factors that drive

أهمية التمكين الذاتي في بناء وتنمية الجوانب الشخصية

بقلم ربيعة عيش طالبة باحثة في سلك ماستر القانون الإداري وعلم الإدارة بكلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية جامعة القاضي عياض بمراكش كانت لي فرصة كطالبة  ماستر القانون الإداري وعلم الإدارة حضور ورشة التمكين الذاتي التي نظمتها العيادة القانونية القاضي عياض أيام 26- 27- 28- 29 يناير 2022 وذلك برحاب كلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية جامعة

Prevention of Human Trafficking

By Yassine Ismaili Alaoui, Legal Aid Clinician & Master’s student of International Business Law A training workshop with clinicians to identify victims of trafficking and their protection mechanisms, February 2022. Photo: Abdellah Laaboudi/CJFD/HAF The Legal Clinic of the Faculty of Law in Fes, the National Commission in charge of the coordination of measures to fight

Women of Taymat Cooperative of Zaouit Cheikh Determine Their Priorities with HAF Literacy Team

By Sanae Benaadim Women of Taymat Cooperative in Zaouit Cheikh meet to create an action plan Photo Credit: Ilham Safi Four women from the Taymat Cooperative and an additional seven women from their village of Zaouit Cheikh met with the High Atlas Foundation’s Family Literacy team in Beni Mellal province to discuss their priorities. The

La traite des êtres humains au Maroc

Par Ayoub LAHMIL, Clinicien d’aide juridique 2021-2022 et étudiant en deuxième année master droit privé et sciences criminelles. Atelier de formation visant à doter les cliniciens d’un ensemble d’outils et de compétences pratiques dans le contexte du débat et du plaidoyer Crédit Photo: Safae Bouhlala, Responsable de Programme, CJFD Avec le trafic de stupéfiants et

Ahbab village in Ait Mhamed commune, Azilal

By Sanae Benaadim The EU Family Literacy team members met with 24 women of the Ahbab village in Ait Mhamed commune in Azilal province: 8 women from Abrid Nlkhair Cooperative and 16 others. The beneficiaries are real artists who have focused on artisanal work since childhood. Every Ahbab’s mother teaches her daughter the way to

Tree Planting in Casablanca Province

By Fatima El Mrini, HAF Tree Monitoring Officer March 26, 2022—As part of the activities carried out by the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) in partnership with the BeGreen program, the HAF team revived tree planting with some schools in Casablanca province. There, over 1,300 male and female students at Al-Farabi Prep and Ibn Battouta High

World Health Day

By: Salma Derkaoui World Health Day is a vastly celebrated global event each year on April 7.  This day has been recognized by the United Nations as an observance day rather than a holiday. It is also the day when the World Health Organization (WHO) was established in 1948 right after World War II, considering

Together We Stand, Divided We Fall

By Houria Chouhab  HAF F2F Field Assistant and Technical Volunteer  As a regular participant in Imagine workshops, I can always feel the difference between each training, and our workshop at La 3éme Millénaire Coopérative did not differ from the previous cooperatives. For their next stop, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team

From the unknown to TV channels

Written by : Ilham SAFI Excerpt from a national newspaper  Ittou said, “I am an old woman with the mind of a young child. When I think of a subject, I have the determination to implement it and achieve the goal.” Ittou Ouamou is the president of the YAMNA cooperative for the packaging of agricultural products

Participatory Approach in El Kebab

By : Ilham SAFI في 28 مارس 2022 ، شاركت 22 امرأة من تعاونية القباب للخياطة في ورشة المقاربة التشاركية  بدوار القباب بإقليم خنيفرة ، قام بتيسيرها فريق مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير لمحو الأمية الأسري ببني ملال خنيفرة بشراكة مع الاتحاد الأوروبي قام خمسة أعضاء (أربع نساء ورجل) بتأسيس التعاونية في عام 2021 إلى جانب 20

Participatory Workshop with Wardat Al Atlas Cooperative

By Ilham Safi( Program Assistant) Women of Wardat al Atlas Cooperative in Ouaouizerth participate in a workshop with the EU Family Literacy program Photo credit: Sanae Benaadim (Program manager). On March 30, 2022, Wardat Al Atlas cooperative engaged in a participatory approach meeting held by the EU Family Literacy team of Beni Mellal for the

Evaluation of the Higher Education System

Youssef Mazdou – Program Assistant The Marrakech Heritage Association organizes “Wednesday Talk Group,” an activity regarding “Evaluation of the Higher Education System” with a group of professors and student researchers.  In attendance was Youssef Mazdou, Program Assistant for the Legal Clinic in Marrakech, a program supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), represented the

Khayzuran – the slave who became a queen

By Timo Reinitzer, HAF Intern Khayzuran was an exceptional and extraordinary woman, who rose from the status of slave to that of queen mother. She was the power behind the throne of three caliphs and had a major, albeit hidden, impact on the politics of the caliphate as well as the private affairs of the

Environmental Workshop in Jerada Province

By Lahcen Ben Moula On March 28, the High Atlas Foundation in coordination with Zrayka Association for Development and Cooperation organized an environmental workshop for the students of Ibn Battuta School in the village of Ganfouda in Jerada province. Students of all school levels were involved in the planting process for more than 20 trees

IMAGINE Workshop in Zaouiat Cheikh Commune, Beni Mellal Province

By Bouchra Zine To realize cooperative YAMNA’s hope of starting literacy classes, the HAF Family Literacy in Beni Mellal-Khenifra  team conducted a four-day IMAGINE empowerment workshop in Zaouiat Cheikh commune, Beni Mellal province, as the first step towards the big change.  The leader of YAMNA, social activist Itou, created the agricultural cooperative with her family

EU and ANLCA Representatives Visit Yamna Cooperative in Zouit Cheikh with HAF’s Family Literacy Team

Sanae Benaadim HAF Program Manager HAF and EU representatives talk with women about their experiences during the first two days of the IMAGINE workshop. March 22, 2022–During the second day of the IMAGINE workshop for Yamna Cooperative’s 18 women, they received a visit from representatives of the EU and the Agence Nationale de Lutte Contre

The Jewish Days of Tangier

By Soukaina Kherdioui, Dakira Cultural Coordinator As part of the celebration for International Women’s Day, the Amis du Judaïsme Marocain Association (AAJM) and Lorin Foundation launched the first edition of the Jewish Days of Tangier. The event, which was held on March 10-12, was aimed at celebrating Tangier as a cosmopolitan city and the crossroads