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Daily Archives: March 14, 2022

PMDER: Final Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Workshop; 22 & 23 February 2022

By Noah Cedric Kohlmayer On February 22 and 23, 2022, I attended the final Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Workshop in Marrakech and Youssoufia. One of the guests included Kerstin Opfer, a Germanwatch representative, HAF long-time friend, and former staff member. Another guest was senior energy advisor for Power Shift Africa: Amos Wemanya. University professor, state engineer, and

Environment Workshop at a School in Berkane

By Lahcen Ben Moula  The High Atlas Foundation (HAF), which is pioneering the production and distribution of fruit trees, organized an environmental workshop for the benefit of secondary school students at Abi Bakr Al-Razi, in the city of Berkane, in partnership with the Association of Parents and Parents of Students and the Administrative and Educational

Report – Communication with Students at the Legal Clinic in Marrakech

Ms. Amina El-Haijami, Project Manager of the legal clinic Cadi Ayyad run by the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), held a virtual discussion with student trainees, to explain the legal clinic’s work map. This began with an introduction to HAF, a Moroccan-American non-profit organization committed to promoting sustainable development through a participatory approach to support the