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Daily Archives: December 30, 2021

Update: Tree Planting in Gorrama

By Mohamed El Kadiri, HAF Tree Monitoring Officer As of the end of December 2021, 14,000 trees were distributed in Gorrama and 6,000 more olive trees are to be distributed by the first week of January 2022 in Meknes. Tree distribution in 2021 went well, with 60,000 having been delivered between Azilal province and the

Update: Ahl Rhoufrane Cooperative

By Houria Chouhab Ahl Rhoufrane Cooperative was established earlier this year in January 2021 by Yassin Rhoufrane in Khtakhta village, Bouchan Commune, Rhamna Province. It is worth mentioning that this co-op provides equal opportunities for both male and female members. The sector of this cooperative’s activities is livestock farming, and its goal is to increase