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Monthly Archives: December 2021

M’Suud and Mohammed: A Tale of Two Friends

M’Suud And Mohammed: A Tale Of Two Friends, Scoop world. Arabic: Beirut times, 07 January 2022. By Youssef Enouiti | Marrakech, Morocco Overlooking the Green River Valley and village cluster of Oulad Amer, Larbi Soukab makes his daily trek on donkey-back with bamboo cane in hand to check on the growth of his land. Photo:

Soil to Sky Webinar Review

by Mustapha Tarhbaloute At the beginning of November 2021, I joined the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), which organized a week of training for youth development in cooperation with the United States Forestry Service. We received information about the participatory approach and its characteristics and how it can affect community members by creating progress and improving

Update: Tree Planting in Gorrama

By Mohamed El Kadiri, HAF Tree Monitoring Officer As of the end of December 2021, 14,000 trees were distributed in Gorrama and 6,000 more olive trees are to be distributed by the first week of January 2022 in Meknes. Tree distribution in 2021 went well, with 60,000 having been delivered between Azilal province and the

Update: Ahl Rhoufrane Cooperative

By Houria Chouhab Ahl Rhoufrane Cooperative was established earlier this year in January 2021 by Yassin Rhoufrane in Khtakhta village, Bouchan Commune, Rhamna Province. It is worth mentioning that this co-op provides equal opportunities for both male and female members. The sector of this cooperative’s activities is livestock farming, and its goal is to increase

Dear friends

Dear friends, Here’s a thought in relation to the sustainability of all our communities: each of us in our own way must give and give, and all that good received should be dedicated to self-reliant, independence-creating enterprises. The planting and monitoring of organic fruit trees that HAF accomplishes with communities is the Moroccan people’s enterprise, which

Morocco and Israel First Anniversary of Renewed Diplomatic Ties: A Commemoration of a Shared Past, Present and Future

By Amal Mansouri and Soukaina Kherdioui, REMA Field Coordinators On Wednesday, December 22, 2021, the embassies of the United States and Israel in Morocco celebrated the first anniversary of the renewal of diplomatic ties between Morocco and Israel. The celebration was attended by several high-level profiles, including ambassadors, diplomats, religious leaders, and representatives of the

Update: Cooperative in Azilal Province

By Bouchra Zine The Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team visited several cooperatives in the Azilal province on December 16 to collect data, meet new hosts in Ait Iazza village of Afourer commune, and ascertain their activities and technical needs. Afourer Cooperative Afourer cooperative was created in 2011 by a group of local women for pickling

Multiculturalism in Sefrou

By Amal Mansouri, HAF Field Coordinator, REMA Pictures from different angles and neighborhoods of the old medina Morocco is renowned for its hospitality, diversity and multiculturalism. Out of all the places where you can sense the existence of these concepts, we find them most easily in the facades, ancient corners and long past laid bricks

Living Together: Religious Coexistence in Morocco

Living Together: Religious Coexistence In Morocco, Scoop. Arabic: Sot Aliraq, 11 December 2021.  By Mohamed El Kadiri, HAF Program Coordinator The fascinating site we came across is located in Erfoud, a small tranquil town in the southeast of Morocco, about 70 km from Errachidia. Our visit was initially aimed at monitoring fruit trees distributed to

رصد وتقييم الأشجار المثمرة بجهة فاس مكناس

في إطار مشروعها الهادف لتوزيع مليون شجرة مثمرة بالمغرب قامت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبيرة بتوزيع أكثر من 80000 شجرة مثمرة على عدة أقاليم بجهة فاس -مكناس وتهدف  هذه العملية إلى المساهمة في الحد من التغيرات المناخية وتحسين مردودية وإنتاج الفلاحين ابتدأت عملية رصد وتقييم الأشجار المثمرة بإقليم إفران، بالضبط بواد إفران بتنسيق مع جمعية أيت لياس

Update: Imagine workshop in Berkane

By Zineb Laadam HAF’s Imagine team has completed the Imagine workshop which was held under Farmer -To Farmer program in Berkane province in the oriental region for women members of four agricultural cooperatives from October 29th to 1 November. Empowerment through this workshop is ideally seen as a continuous holistic process with cognitive, psychological, social,

Update: Jory Cooperative Meeting

By Zineb Laadam The Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team met with the members of Jory Cooperative to follow up with them on their recent activities.  The Jory co-op works on medicinal and aromatic plants and natural cosmetics products. On September 28, the co-op members participated in a training on building an integrated forecasting, planning, budgeting,

Daraa Lachhab Cooperative Update

by Zineb Laadam HAF colleagues Houria, Hassan and I went to Chouirig Village in order to meet Daraa Lachhab Cooperative. Since cooperatives are enterprises that place people before profit, they uphold values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equity and solidarity. They practice honesty, openness and social responsibility in their operations. The Daraa Lachhab Cooperative was officially

Amizmiz Update

By Zineb Laadam The Farmer-To-Farmer (F2F) team went to Amizmiz in order to meet two agricultural cooperatives to identify their needs, priorities and challenges. The two host organizations are Zaouia and Tigudelt cooperatives. Zaouia is an agricultural entity that aims to contribute to the development of the olive oil sector and strengthen its role in

Identity Discovery: Who Are You?

By Amal Mansouri, Cultural Field Coordinator IMAGINE workshop in El Menzel, 2021. Photo: Zineb Mallouki/HAF The answer to the questions who you are, or what you identify as is more complicated than it seems to be. So many people would respond to this question in a different way referring to different characteristics, such as: gender,

Awareness workshop on Tree planting and its importance in human life.

Lahcen Ben Moula, Tree Monitoring Officer (YCC) Today, Wednesday, December 23, 2021, the High Atlas Foundation, in coordination with the educational frameworks of the High School of the Alternative Education in the city of Oujda, organized an applied sensitivity workshop on planting trees and their importance in human life. The awareness-raising workshop was framed in

Visiting the Jewish Past of Morocco

by Noah C. Kohlmayer – HAF Volunteer On Tuesday, December 7, my two fellow Austrian volunteers and I had the opportunity to join Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir for the last class he taught for the University of Virginia at the Jewish cemetery in the Mellah of Marrakech. Now, what is a Mellah?  In Marrakech, the Mellah

Taourirt School Tree Planting

By Lahcen Ben Moula, Tree Monitoring Officer (YCC) On Saturday, December 04, 2021, the space of the Mohamed Belkhayat School in the city of El-Ayoun, Tourert province, witnessed a group of diverse and distinguished activities for the conclusion of school cooperation days celebrated by all educational components in Morocco. This was done to promote school

Interfaith Actions at COP26

By: Sarah Whiteside, UVA-HAF Intern Link to Image: https://disasterdisplacement.org/disaster-displacement-at-cop26 The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more popularly known as COP26, began on November 3rd and was a collaborative conference among 197 nations to address progress made in the first five years of the 2015 Paris Agreement. In this agreement, participating countries committed to efforts

Cemeteries Waiting to Be Visited and Remembered

Arabic Version – Moroccan Cemeteries Waiting to be Visited and Remembered, San Diego Jewish World. By Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech In early July, I set out with colleagues of the High Atlas Foundation—a U.S. and Moroccan non-for-profit organization—to meet with agricultural cooperatives in Morocco to understand their needs and goals and create action plans toward lasting

Women’s Workshop in Taroudant

By Fatima El Mrini Imagine Empowerment Workshop in Tiferki, Taroudant. Photo by: Fatima El Mrini, HAF HAF colleagues Rachida, Bouchra, Aicha, Hassan, and Fatima went to the village of Tiferki in the Taroudant province to carry out a women’s empowerment training course with women there. The IMAGINE workshops organized by the High Atlas Foundation are

Contemporary Sufism in Morocco: Pathways to Coexistence

By Soukaina Kherdioui On Thursday, December 16, I had the chance to attend a Conference-debate organized by Al Mowafaqa Institute during which Dr. Amina Mesgguid, doctoral researcher in Social Anthropology at the Center for Global Studies (CGS), provided interesting insights on contemporary Sufism and its evolution in Morocco. Her research focuses on “Contemporary expressions of

Farmer to Farmer Visits Nisaae Tinmel Cooperative

Zineb Laadam, HAF Field Officer Women of the Nisaae Tinmel cooperative meet with the HAF F2F team The Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team visited the Nisaae Tinmel women’s cooperative in Tizaghrin village (Talatnycoub municipality, Al Haouz province, Marrakech-Safi region) in November. We spent an unforgettable day with 20 incredible women who shared their personal and

Renewable Energy in Youssoufia Province

By Mustapha Tarhbaloute, HAF Field Monitor Renewable energy in Morocco is like a newborn, in the relatively early stages of development. It has become more popular in the last two decades as a step to overcome the huge expense of electricity as well as a way to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to the High

Bolstering Women’s Development in Rural Morocco

by Noah C. Kohlmayer, HAF intern In September 2020, the project of bolstering women’s development in rural Morocco was initiated. Since then, the project has shown great progress and results. It has been implemented within the AEIF 2020, which is coordinated by the US Embassy in Morocco. This project aimed to provide two groups of

Update: 11 Janvier Cooperative

By Bouchra Zine The Farmer to Farmer (F2F) team of Errachid Montassir, Lahcen Ait Ouatouch, and Bouchra Zine visited the 11 Janvier agricultural cooperative on December 10 in order to collect data, listen to the people, learn their technical needs, and discern how the F2F team could help. The nine male cooperative members represent different

The Challenging Yet Beneficial Relationship between Human Rights and Development

Abigail Hall HAF-UVA Intern Although the intersection between human rights and development is clear, the two are often approached separately and have therefore evolved into two separate categories. It can be easy to focus on their distinctions and differences from one another rather than seeing the way that they actually mutually boost and aid each

Women’s Cooperatives in Laayoun Charkia

Zineb Laadam HAF Field Officer Team members of the High Atlas Foundation managing the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program met two host organizations (HOs) in Laayoune Charkia municipality in the Oriental region and discussed with them how to collect data and fill out the baseline and Organizational Development Index (ODI) forms. The women’s cooperatives are “Laayoun

Update from Douar Lkdirat

By Sanae Benaadim, HAF Program & Office Manager December 6, 2021 HAF team members visit the village of Lkdirat on December 3, 2021. Photo: HAF Last week, several members of the HAF staff, the Aboughlou Cooperative, and volunteers from Austria Service Abroad met at the prospective nursery site in the village of Lakdirat in the

Monitoring Trees in Guercif

Lahcen Ben Moula Tree Monitoring Officer The visit to the province of Guercif is among the distinguished trips to monitor the trees that were distributed to farmers by the High Atlas Foundation in coordination with local cooperatives in order to inspect the condition of the trees and communicate with farmers while providing them with information

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