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Monthly Archives: October 2021

Planting Trees and Mental Health

By Bobby McDonough HAF-UVA Intern HAF defines their mission as a “commitment to furthering sustainable development and supporting Moroccan Communities to take action in implementing human development initiatives.” The premier avenue through which this is accomplished is facilitating projects within marginalized, rural communities that educate community members on how to plant and raise trees— laying

Policy Changes Can Help Land Restoration

By Henry Prillaman HAF Intern The World Resources Institute held a discussion on September 29th, titled “Strong Public Policies To Restore Land, Breaking Through the Barriers to Success,” illuminating the need for current policies around the world to be changed. Putting money in the wrong places through policies that discourage farmers and marginalized groups has

Now is definitely better than before!

By Moulay Hassan Aladlouni Country Director, HAF-F2F Program The High Atlas Foundation’s Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) team met the members of the Adfal Association in a very remote mountain area. During the trip, the team had to unexpectedly leave the car and walk for 1.5 hours to Timichi village, which sits at an altitude of 1,920 meters,

Sharing Moments of Peace in Online Spaces

Catrin Waters HAF-UVA Intern This past Friday, a lovely moment of peace was shared across continents with a short yoga class led by High Atlas Foundation-University of Virginia Intern, Catrin Waters. The HAF members and trainees present were able to collaborate to create a multilingual and restorative few minutes of presence, with HAF President Yossef

Preserving the memory of the “Argan city:” Morocco’s civil society at the crossroads of cultures

By Fatima Zahra Laaribi Program Manager, Women’s Empowerment HAF and Association Bayti meet with 13 local CSOs who are preserving local heritage in Essaouira. Many treasures are hidden within the coastal Mogador city, today known as Essaouira, which is characterized by its rich, multidimensional culture. This small city is a melting pot of Amazighen, Arab,

Hydroponics and Vertical Farming in Morocco and the World

– Hydroponics And Vertical Agriculture In Morocco And The World, The Garden Center News. By Carter and Henry Prillaman A vision for the future of agriculture and possible implementation in Marrakech, Morocco Our agriculture system as we know it needs to change. We see an enormous amount of waste in current practices through using up

Eudafano Women’s Cooperative: BioTrade in Rural Namibian Communities

By Sarah Whiteside HAF-UVA Intern Image Source: The Eudafano Women’s Co-operative in Namibia. Twitter, 19 Jan. 2021, twitter.com/unctad/status/1351485621186002944. Accessed 1 Oct. 2021. Namibia is a country situated in South-Western Africa along the Atlantic Ocean, and it is home to five characteristic geographic regions: the Central Plateau, the Namib Desert, the Caprivi Strip, the Kaokoveld, and

ورشات تدريبية لفائدة مسؤولي الرصد و التقيم بمؤسسة الاطلس الكبير

بقلم عبد الصمد ايت فاتح أما بعد وفي هذا المقام لا يسعني إلا أن أشكركم جميعا، لأنكم منحتم لنا فرصة قد لا تعوض أبدا، فرصة ميدانية في مؤسستكم المسماة “مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير” مؤسسة قبل أن تكون ربحية هي مؤسسة تطوعية خيرية، تحاول أن تدخل البهجة والسرور على الساكنة البسيطة خاصة القروية منها، حقا كل عضو

Building Agroforestry Systems in Taroudant Province

By Youssef Tahiri and Amina El Hajjami, HAF Team In the Tigmi Ntrga Village located in the Tisfan Commune, HAF has made notable progress toward achieving objectives for a UNDP-funded project to build agroforestry systems as a means of economic recovery from the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Since the project began in June 2021,

مشروع تمكين وتكوين الحلفاء والمسؤولين عن البيئة بإقليم الحوز

بقلم فاطمة المريني     تمكنت مؤسسة الاطلس الكبير الرائدة الغنية عن التعريف تحت إدارة وتسيير الدكتور يوسف بن مير من ابرام شراكة مهمة ومتينة مع خدمة الغابات الأمريكية ، بغية بناء مجتمع من مسؤولي المشاريع  والفاعلين المؤثرين ، من خلال إنشاء برنامج غني بالموارد البشرية المتمكنة ذات خبرة عالية في المجال ومختصين محترفين يجعلون

Improving Youth Employment in Africa by Balancing the Market

by Gabrielle Rosario HAF – UVA Intern Africa currently faces an unemployment crisis with some of the highest unemployment rates in the world, and according to the World Bank, African youth make up 60% of unemployed workers. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to harm economies globally, unemployment rates accelerate, especially in Africa. Although some speculate

المسار التنموي بالأقاليم الجنوبية: إلى اين؟

المسار التنموي بالأقاليم الجنوبية: إلى أين؟, Cawalisse. By: Hana Ezaoui, Project Manager, Southern Provinces Development programs aim at helping specific regions thrive and attracting more foreign investors in order to boost the regions’ economic activity and overcome the development stagnation affecting several regions in the Kingdom of Morocco. But are Morocco’s southern provinces experiencing similar developments?

Monitoring Trees in Guercif

by Lahcen Ben Moula HAF Tree Monitor 9 October 2021—Monitoring trees in the Guercif province began in early September and continued throughout the month and into early October. These trees have been grown in the Guercif nursery and distributed to farmers by the High Atlas Foundation in coordination with local cooperatives On 9 September, 3,300

Visiting Essaouira’s Past and Present with U.S. Chargé d’Affaires David Greene

By Yossef Ben-Meir, Ph.D. President, High Atlas Foundation I had the opportunity, for which I am grateful, to visit together with Mr. David Greene, the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires, the Jewish and Christian cemeteries in the incredible city of Essaouira. The day prior, we had launched with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) its new

Women’s Empowerment and Yoga in Rural Morocco and in Your Life

Women’s Empowerment and Yoga in Rural Morocco and in Your Life, Indepth News. Catrin Waters An Imagine empowerment session in Morocco (High Atlas Foundation, 2021) Before you read this, I challenge you to pause and ask your body the question: how do you like the thoughts I think about you? When we make an active choice to listen to

International Day of the Girl Child, 2021

By Sarah Whiteside, UVA-HAF Intern On October 11, 2021, the United Nations will be joined by other UN agencies, NGOs, and CSOs to celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child to promote the advancement of female rights across the world. The origins of this global celebration began in 1995 at the World Conference on

Enhancing the Socioeconomic and Environmental Situation in Douar Lkdirat’s Women

By Hajiba Boumasir, HAF Program Coordinator, and Sanae Benaadim, Program Manager, Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator 2 October 2021—Step by step, Douar Lakdirat in the Jnane Bouih commune of Youssoufia will be one of the Moroccan villages to benefit from High Atlas Foundation (HAF) services and open for the new world, enhancing the socioeconomic and

Cities4Forests: A City-Led Call to Action

Henry Prillaman On September 22nd, I had the pleasure of attending the World Resources Institute Cities4Forests declaration. City leaders from around the world came together to discuss their current methods of forest conservation and more than 50 mayors pledged to work for greater restoration of forests in the future.  The main panel of our leaders

U.S. and Morocco launch partnership to preserve the Kingdom’s diverse cultural heritage

French version Arabic version Essaouira – U.S. Embassy Chargé d’Affaires David Greene joined H.E. André Azoulay, Senior Advisor to H.M. King Mohamed VI, at Bayt Dakira in the Mellah of Essaouira to launch a three-year USAID program aimed at recording and sharing hundreds of stories that capture the Kingdom’s rich multicultural history. This $3 million

How Christian Heritage Sites in the Oriental Region of Morocco Honor Shared Histories

By Aira Matin HAF-UVA Intern People entering the shrine of Sidi Yahya Ben Younes, or John the Baptist, in Oujda Photo by: Iznassen/Wikicommons Link: https://theculturetrip.com/africa/morocco/articles/morocco-home-sacred-christian-tomb/ Religious spaces offer a location of home, identity, and belonging. They hold particular importance for the Christian community in Morocco, where Islam is the overwhelming religion. Christians have often been

Alexander von Humboldt: Lunchtime Discussion on Colonialism, Imperialism, Slavery, and Their Afterlives

By Sarah Whiteside Alexander von Humboldt Portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler (1843) On September 22nd, 2021, the University of Connecticut Office of Global Affairs and the German Consulate General Boston presented a discussion on Alexander Humboldt and his relationship to colonialism, imperialism, slavery, the lives of indigenous Latin Americans, and American abolition. Humboldt was born

Environmental Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice in Northern Africa

Catrin Waters, UVA Intern Environmental Peacebuilding and the High Atlas Foundation partnered this past Tuesday, September 14th to present a talk featuring HAF’s president, Yossef Ben-Meir, as the main panelist. Environmental peacebuilding refers to the process by which conflict prevention and community resilience are aided by the management of natural resources. The organization presented a