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Daily Archives: June 23, 2021

Integrating Advocacy and Women’s Empowerment: Imagine Workshop in Sefrou

 Imagine Empowerment Workshop participants in Sefrou on June 1, 2021. By: Zineb Mellouki, Clinician, USMBA Legal Aid Clinic Over a period of four days, from June 1-4, 2021, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) in partnership with the Legal Aid Clinic (CFJD), housed in the Faculty of Social, Legal, and Economic Sciences at University Sidi Mohamed

Empowerment Among the Trees

Imagine workshop participants in Sefrou, Morocco | June 2021 By Souhaila Rhaleb, Clinician, USMBA Legal Aid Clinic The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) organized a workshop in the beautiful city of Sefrou. This Imagine Empowerment Workshop offers the opportunity for participants to explore their goals and the challenges that hinder them, among other things. Two clinicians