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Monthly Archives: June 2021

Academia Has An Obligation to Serve

By Kristin O’Donoghue Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights upholds education as a right to which every individual is entitled. The opportunity to attend an institute of higher learning and improve one’s position in society, however, is available only to those who can afford it. In most nations, the cost of education

Nature’s Secret Healing Powers: A Look into Nature Therapy

By Noah Ginsburg This morning I had the privilege of attending a very special event, hosted by the Beyond Trees Network’s Dr. Tamberly Kerr Conway, a trained and licensed nature therapist who has spent the last several years training more and more nature therapists and spreading this practice across the world. Although the pandemic is

Crop Preservation Methods in Morocco

تقنيات تخزين وحفظ المحاصيل الزراعية في المغرب/ تأليف: أليسا أندروود, Al Bayader. By Alyssa Underwood Farmers employ a variety of post-harvest crop storage to protect crops from post-harvest damage. Many of the methods employed in developing countries and on small-scale farms are traditional methods that use local resources. Modern storage methods use modern technology to

Progress at the Imegdale Nursery

By: Said Bennani, HAF Project Manager and HAF Team Imegdal Nursery, Morocco. On June 4, 2021, Project Manager Said Bennani and a group of volunteers visited the Imegdal and Tassa Ouirgane nurseries. The first stop was the Imegdal nursery, where they met nursery caretaker Hassan Ait Ba on the new nursery land. To date, five

Updates on the Tadmamt and Akrich Fruit Tree Nurseries

By Said Bennani, HAF Project Manager and HAF Team HAF Project Manager Said Bennani, Driver Abdelghani Kastih, and volunteer Youssef Tahri, all visited the Tadmamt and Akrich nurseries on June 3, 2021, to start off an insightful visit and viewing of the communities. The first stop was in Tadmamt, where they met assistant nursery caretaker

Education: the Key to Unlock the Door to Freedom

Education: the Key to Unlock the Door to Freedom, Modern Ghana. by Professor Ellen Hernandez On Saturday, June 19, 2021, Americans officially recognized “Juneteenth” as a national holiday. Most Americans understand the holiday to be a celebration of the end of slavery brought about by the U.S. Constitution’s 13th Amendment. However, the day is actually

Profound Partnerships: FRÉ Skincare and the High Atlas Foundation

Profound Partnerships: FRÉ Skincare and the High Atlas Foundation, Maravi Post. Zuha Afzal | 2021 HAF-UVA Intern Abstract The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is an international development organization based in Morocco whose mission is to promote sustainable development. By supporting and empowering local communities on capacity building, clean water initiatives, pro bono legal aid, youth

Integrating Advocacy and Women’s Empowerment: Imagine Workshop in Sefrou

 Imagine Empowerment Workshop participants in Sefrou on June 1, 2021. By: Zineb Mellouki, Clinician, USMBA Legal Aid Clinic Over a period of four days, from June 1-4, 2021, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) in partnership with the Legal Aid Clinic (CFJD), housed in the Faculty of Social, Legal, and Economic Sciences at University Sidi Mohamed

Empowerment Among the Trees

Imagine workshop participants in Sefrou, Morocco | June 2021 By Souhaila Rhaleb, Clinician, USMBA Legal Aid Clinic The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) organized a workshop in the beautiful city of Sefrou. This Imagine Empowerment Workshop offers the opportunity for participants to explore their goals and the challenges that hinder them, among other things. Two clinicians

Legal Aid Clinics and their Role in the Protection of Human Rights

By Mohamed Ainine, Clinician, USMBA Legal Aid Clinic and Katie Bercegeay, HAF Director of Development As part of its mission to connect with other legal clinics in Morocco, the Legal Aid Clinic (CFJD), housed at the Faculty of Social, Legal, and Economic Sciences at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Adbellah in Fes had the pleasure of

عقوبة الإعدام بين الإبقاء والإلغاء

Bouallala hamza Doctorant chercheur à FSJES Fès / Droit privé – Clinicien إن السؤال المطروح حول هذه القضية العويصة هو: هل الإبقاء على عقوبة الإعدام يؤدي إلى نقص الإجرام وبسط الأمن والسلام في ربوع المجتمعات البشرية؟ وهل إلغاء هذه العقوبة يؤدي إلى تفاقم الإجرام وزيادة الفوضى في المجتمعات وخرق نواميسها وأعرافها ومقدساتها؟ فهذه التساؤلات وغيرها

The Legal Clinic at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah (USMBA) in Fes

By Kaoutar El Kadi, Legal Aid Assistant, CJFD  Immigrants do not leave their families, friends, and lives in vain. Misery, environmental degradation, and oppression can make life difficult to bear. When war directly threatens the lives of people, flight is sometimes the only option for survival. The reasons why people migrate are multiple and complex.

La clinique juridique : Promouvoir le volontariat et renforcer les capacités des juristes

Par: Mohammed Amine ZINE EL ABIDINE – Clinicien de la deuxième promotion. Photo prise en séance de formation des cliniciens au cours d’un exercice pratique Je suis Mohammed Amine ZINE EL ABIDINE, étudiant en deuxième Master Juriste d’Affaires, clinicien de la deuxième promotion, venez découvrir avec moi mon expérience au sein de la clinique juridique.

عقوبة الإعدام والحق في الحياة

Imane Aiachi – Clinicienne تعتبر عقوبة الإعدام انتهاكاً لحقوق الإنسان، وعلى وجه الخصوص الحق في الحياة والحق في عدم التعرض للتعذيب أو المعاملة أو العقوبة القاسية أو اللاإنسانية أو المهينة. وكلا هذين الحقين كفلهما الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان، الذي اعتمدته الأمم المتحدة في سنة 1948 إضافة إلى العديد من الصكوك التي اعتمدها المجتمع الدولي من

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought | June 17, 2021

By Marij W Janjua, HAF UT-Austin Intern The HAF team visits the Tassa Ouirgane nursery in early June 2021 where saplings of carob, fig, and pomegranate are growing well. “Desertification  and  drought,  which  are  a  degradation  of  environmental  health,  contribute to the collapse of biodiversity and favour the appearance of zoonoses. This is yet  another 

Virtual Meeting with Partners for the Evaluation of Empowerment Activities

By Fatima Zahra Laaribi HAF Program Manager, Empowerment Since its founding in 2000, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) has committed itself to offer its beneficiaries, predominantly women, training related to self-knowledge. This empowerment programming is implemented across Morocco. In total, HAF has conducted 38 such Imagine Empowerment Workshops that have impacted 900 women so far

Participatory action from the ground-up results in measurable success

By Kristin O’Donoghue HAF-UVA Intern In “Empowering Rural Participation and Partnerships in Morocco’s Sustainable Development,” Dr. Ben-Meir defines Morocco’s goal as to “utilize participatory approaches to achieve projects that are sustainable and that measurably enhance the standard of living, knowledge, longevity, and engagement in society.” Participatory development allows community beneficiaries to occupy a central position

عقوبة الإعدام تحت المجهر الأكاديمي

Abdallah Lahlou – clinicien كلما ارتكبت جريمة قتل أو اغتصاب أو هتك عرض… يبدأ النقاش حول عقوبة الإعدام… فنجد المؤيد لها الذي يعتبر الإعدام هو الحل لإيقاف تفشي الجريمة… كما نجد المعارض لها الذي يرى في الإعدام مجرد انتقام و لا يصلح المشكل من الأساس بين هذا الرأي و ذاك… يدخل الأكاديمي لمناقشة الموضوع بمنطقية

موقف المشرع المغربي من عقوبة الإعدام بين مطرقة الإبقاء و سندان التنفيذ

Ismail Boukili Makhoukhi – Clinicien اليوم أصبح من اللازم على المشرع الجنائي المغربي أن يكون واضحا صريحا في توجهه المتعلق بعقوبة الإعدام، فنقاشنا هذا يجعلنا نتساءل سؤالا قد نعتقد أنه هو صلب هذا النقاش، مفاد ما سبق هو ما جدوى عقوبة منصوص عليها بصريح النص القانوني الجنائي لم تعد تطبق منذ سنة 1993 ؟ فبغض

Afous Ghissiki: A Project to Promote Organic Agriculture in Guelmim

By Karam-Yane Azzabi, Program Coordinator The HAF team visits Tighmert Oasis to meet farmers who benefited from the Afous Ghissiki project and planted trees with HAF in 2021. It was with great excitement that I hit the road to Sidi Ifni accompanied by Abdeljalil Ait Ali, HAF Field Manager, and Mustapha Id Said, HAF Driver

“Ce que nous acquérons à la clinique juridique”

Par : Mohammed Amine Jbilou – Clinicien Mohammed Amine Jbilou est étudiant chercheur dans le cycle doctoral « Droit privé » de l’Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales, classée meilleure université du Maroc. Clinicien du droit depuis presque une année, ce qui fait l’essence d’une Clinique juridique pour nous,

برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي في مدرجات الأطلس الصغير

إن القطاع الفلاحي في المغرب مساهم أساسي في توفير فرص الشغل، خصوصا في العالم القروي ويحقق إكتفاءً ذاتياً في الاستهلاك الداخلي بنسبة% 100. يتوفر المغرب على  تجهيزات هيدرو فلاحية مهمة، مكونة من 139 سد، تمكن من تعبئة 15.2 مليار م3 من المياه، 13.3 مليار منها موجهة للاستعمال الفلاحي، (سقي حوالي 8.7 مليون هكتار). ويعد القطاع

Heart Disease in Morocco and Empowerment Workshops

– Heart Disease in Morocco and Empowerment Workshops, Modern Ghana. By Carlie Daniel HAF-UVA Intern Heart disease is a prevalent chronic disease in Morocco and has been one of the leading causes of death over the last 10 years. Heart disease can be prevented through lifestyle changes, but people must be made aware of the

From Hopes to Water: Barriers to Girls Fulfilling Their Educational Dreams

By Aira Matin, HAF-UVA Intern Education in rural Morocco is a work in progress. Building from the core of the community, there is a need for a better investment in education as well as promoting the power of giving girls an education. Yet some communities in rural Morocco often do not see the value in

Community Tree Planting Will Lead Morocco Into the Future

Webster Hill HAF-UVa Intern The terrain of Morocco provides the opportunity to achieve tremendous agricultural and environmental results. The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) plants fruit trees across the country with rural communities. In 2021, HAF-community collaboration has planted 700,000 trees of nine fruit varieties, with 6,000 farming families in 39 provinces. In addition, 1.6 million

Green Spaces and Community Programs

Carlie Daniel HAF-UVA Intern Farmer-to-Farmer Local Volunteer Hicham Amarouch during his second visit to Aguerzrane village in the High Atlas Mountains. As time progresses, we see more people glued to technology and staying indoors for hours on end. Many people don’t even go outside to take a walk or experience the green spaces in their

تجربة العمل في العيادة القانونية

بقلم : بديعة تحافي ريفي طالبة باحثة بسلك الدكتوراه باسم الله الرحمان الرحيم   السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته، تحية طيبة وبعد         أدعى بديعة تحافي ريفي طالبة باحثة بسلك الدكتوراه مختبر القانون والفلسفة والمجتمع وعضوة بالعيادة القانونية بفوجها الثاني الكائنة بكلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية بفاس,  وفي هذا المقال سأشارك معكم تجربتي بهذه العيادة وأثرها

مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بين جبال توبقال

بقلم يوسف الطاهري : متطوع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير تنقل فريق مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير الى جماعة توبقال عبر مضايق تيشكا مرورا بمنطقة اكويم وتيديلي، بقيادة مديرة المشاريع بالَمؤسسة السيدة أمينة الحجامي ومساعدتها السيدة صفاء بن كروم، و متطوعة من الديار السلوفينية السيدة سيمونا زوبنز بتاريخ 25 ماي 2021 قرية أكرزران الجبلية  :لقاء تعاونية اكرزران النسائية  بين

The MSP workshop: Building partnerships and Planning the Nexus Pilot Project for Decentralised Renewable Energy in Youssoufia

Written by Zainab Hachoumi, HAF Intern  On May 27, 2021, the High Atlas Foundation, together with GermanWatch and the Moroccan Platform of Decentralization of Renewable Energies (PMDER), organized an online workshop that gathered different stakeholders and representatives from the public sector, academia, civil society, and the private sector from Morocco, Africa, and Europe.  The main

People’s Participation Decides the World’s Environment

People’s Participation Decides the World’s Environment, Al Bawaba. • Arabic: Cawalisse, 04 June 2021. By Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech The fruit tree nursery management by the Takherkhourt Women’s Cooperative in the Marrakech region of Morocco (High Atlas Foundation, 2021). Recognizing this week’s World Environment Day reminds us of the evolution of the concept of sustainable development since

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