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Monthly Archives: May 2021

Review of “The Labor of Agrodiversity in a Moroccan Oasis”

Megan Sprotte and Megan Williams HAF-UVA Interns  In her recent essay, “The Labor of Agrodiversity in a Moroccan Oasis”, Karen Rignall examines the recent history of farming in the Mgoun valley in southern Morocco in order to explain how agrodiversity, labor, and tradition interact in current small-scale agrarian systems. Rignall emphasizes lines of thought that

A Diversity of Voices with a Singular Goal: HAF’s Community-based Solutions Spanning Agriculture, Education, and Women’s Empowerment Address Rural Poverty in Morocco

By Caroline Culmo, Rohan Krishnan, Anjali Mahajan, and Elisa Zhang After nearly a year of working with the High Atlas Foundation on the development of a business plan for value added-walnut processing as volunteer consultants from the University of Pennsylvania, our team had the opportunity to visit several of HAF’s agricultural cooperatives and walnut tree

Comparative Service-Learning: Particularities, Transcendent Themes, and Lessons Learned

Tahi Wiggins Student, University of Virginia For all the attention given to service-learning, the concept is extremely broad and can include an enormous diversity of experiences. I am passionate about the essentiality of service learning and have sought out several such experiences. In this article, I will compare three of my own service-learning experiences, analyzing

Introducing a new essay on Moroccan decentralization and renewable energy

By HAF staff The consequences of environmental degradation extend far past a loss of natural resources or fragile ecosystems. The livelihoods, well-being, and health of people across the world is also at stake – particularly in regions that are already highly vulnerable to climate change and suffer from rural poverty, such as Morocco.  A unique

How does HAF build a bridge of trust and strengthen the voices of the Moroccan community?

Sanae Benaadim HAF’s Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator Students from the University of Pennsylvania’s International Impact visiting with the fruit tree nursery of the Takhrkhourt Women’s Cooperative in Asni municipality of the Al Haouz province. On May 18th, I travelled from Marrakech with the HAF President, Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, Project Assistants Lahcen Ait Ouatouch and

Female Empowerment as the Key to Moroccan Development

Female Empowerment Can Drive Development in Morocco, Morocco World News. By Molly Case Charlottesville, Virginia Despite its international reputation as a reformist country, women in Morocco continue to face significant obstacles to social, economic, and political participation. Progressive revisions of the Moudawana Family Code (2004) and amendments to the Moroccan constitution (2011) have aided in

Étudiants internationaux au Maroc: L’obtention de la carte d’immatriculation

Par : GUE A. Marie France  Les pays du monde sont reliés les uns aux autres par des frontières franchies au quotidien par diverses personnes pour de multiples raisons singulièrement travailler, se soigner ou étudier.  « Pratiquement tous les Etats s’efforcent de contrôler leurs frontières, l’entrée des personnes sur leur territoire et leur sortie »,

An Interview with Fadila Bennis from the Clinique Juridique De La Faculte De Droit CJFD in Fez

“People still deny that there is an organization to provide legal assistance–and free of charge–apart from the traditional organizations we know. For me, if I had the opportunity to communicate with people and introduce them to the legal clinic, I would tell them that the Clinique Juridique has a staff that is professional and motivated

La Clinique Juridique de la Faculté de Droit de Fès : un endroit idéal pour recueillir de l’aide

Article rédigé de la part de : FAOUZI ZIZI Abdeslam Assistant d’aide à la CJFD Généralement connu comme un pays d’immigrants, le Maroc est non seulement devenu un pays de transit en Europe ces dernières années, mais aussi un pays d’accueil pour un nombre croissant de migrants, de réfugiés et de demandeurs d’asile. Au cours

Self-Empowerment: A Key Step to Self-Actualization!

By Zainab Hachoumi, HAF Intern  Generally, self-empowerment is referred to as the process which leads people to exert greater control over their lives. It is about believing in oneself, setting goals, and making positive choices. That is to say, having to understand our strengths and weaknesses and having belief in ourselves. This view of self-empowerment

العيادة القانونية بجامعة سيدي محمد بن عبد الله بفاس

تم كتابة هذا المقال من طرف السيدة كوثر القاض لا يتخلى المهاجرون عن عائلاتهم وأصدقائهم وحياتهم عن عبث. فقد يحوّل البؤس وتدهور البيئة والاضطهاد الحياة إلى جحيم لا يُطاق. وحين تُهدد الحرب حياتهم تهديداً مباشراً، يبقى الفرار الخيار الوحيد للبقاء على قيد الحياة والأسباب التي تدفع الناس إلى الهجرة متعددة ومعقّدة. ومن بين هذه الأسباب

Protecting Child Rights and Building Self-Reliance: How to Change the Life Course of Detained Moroccan Youth

Nicole Luz HAF-UVa Intern When people speak of the protection and upliftment of children, those in juvenile detention are often forgotten. In Morocco, children between the ages of 12 and 18 who have committed a transgression of the law are often housed in Child Protection Centers (CPCs). Children who were abandoned, had to be removed

Empowering Women to Combat Climate Change

– Empowering Women to Combat Climate Change, Morocco World News. Shivani Lakshman Charlottesville, Virginia Climate change is likely the most urgent crisis facing us in the 21st century. Rising temperatures are causing increasingly frequent and severe natural disasters, more droughts and heat waves, precipitation changes, and sea level rise. Consequently, this is leading to high

My Identity, My Origin: A Personal Reflection on Sustainable Development

– “هويتي، منبع انطلاقتي”, Al Watan Voice. Zineb Laadam HAF F2F Field Officer Nothing stops the pen from reaching its goal, for the book is written entirely in their hearts. Nothing stands between it and them; they put their hearts into it and fill in what they feel, dictating simply and clearly. It is a

Making the Farmer King: Why Fair Trade Is a Big Deal

Making the Farmer King: The Need to Shift Our Approach to Agriculture, Morocco World News. By Olufunmilayo Aiyegbusi The Hague, Netherlands Looking through my grandfather’s diary 25 years after his death, I got some insights into the life of a farmer. Although he had three farms which would have added up to at least 100