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Monthly Archives: February 2021

Love Your Mother (Language)


Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, Katie Bercegeay, and Sofia Ashooh A mother language is the language of the heart. This Mother Language Day the High Atlas Foundation celebrates the people of Morocco and recognizes the importance of human connection and understanding to achieve sustainable development. We are able to express ourselves in our mother language unlike any

Confronting Climate Change: Afforestation Efforts in the Imilchil Circle


Karam-Yane Azzabi, HAF Programs Coordinator High Atlas Foundation’s Karam-Yane Azzabi met with representatives from the Akhiam Association as well as farmers in the Imilchil Circle to discuss afforestation efforts and changes in local agriculture. It was with great enthusiasm that I hit the road to Imilchil from Marrakech. I knew that the road was long,

Conflict Resolution and Mediation | USMBA Legal Aid Clinic, Fes


Aissam Oukerroum, Programs Assistant Meryeme Lakhal, CJFD Student Clinician Student clinicians at the Legal Aid Clinic in Fes participate in an activity to apply principles of conflict resolution and mediation. On December 26, 2020, the Legal Aid Clinic (CFJD) housed in the Faculty of Social, Juridical, and Economic Legal Studies at University Sidi Mohamed Ben

Reflections from an IMAGINE Women’s Empowerment Workshop Participant


By Malika Jumad Participants from HAF’s IMAGINE Women’s Empowerment Workshop in Douar Sidi Ali Ofaris, Siti Fadma Province. This blog is a reflection from a recent beneficiary of HAF’s self-empowerment workshop in Douar Sidi Ali Ofaris, Siti Fadma Province. My name is Malika Jumad. I am 23 years old, and I live in Ourika in

HAF Celebrates Tree Planting Day 2021 with the People of Morocco


La HAF Célèbre La Journée De Plantation D’arbres 2021 Avec Le Peuple Marocain, World News, By Sanae Benaadim. • Arabic: World News, 11 February 2021. Sanae Benaadim HAF’s Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator Caption: The High Atlas Foundation, led by President Yossef Ben-Mier, planting the first tree with a farmer in the Herbil commune to inaugurate

National Human Trafficking Awareness Month: Morocco


By Aissam Oukerroum, HAF Programs Assistant January is Human Trafficking Awareness month.Student clinicians at the Legal Clinic housed at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah’s Faculty of Economic and Social Legal Sciences in Fes (FSJES-USMBA) will be working with some of the most vulnerable populations in the Fes-Meknes region. January 2021 is National Human Trafficking Awareness

Migrant Access to Bank Financing in Morocco | USMBA Legal Aid Clinic, Fes


Program Coordinator Student clinicians from the USMBA Legal Aid Clinic in Fes pose for a photo after completing a training on bank financing to assist migrants in Morocco. On December 12, 2020, the Legal Aid Clinic (CJFD) housed in the Faculty of Social, Juridical, and Economic Legal Studies at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Adbellah (FSJES-USMBA)