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Daily Archives: August 3, 2020

Building a Definition of Development

Building a Definition of Development, Global Research, By Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President),03 August 2020 • Arabic: Al bayader, 28 Jul 2020. • French: Wn.com, 08 Aug 2020. A model of the Alternative-Participatory Development social system (Yossef Ben-Meir, 2009) The idea of development itself, its definition, and even the method we use for defining it, would be a good

Creating and Giving Joy to Others

Director of Projects Natural human tendency is to create security in our lives by trying to keep things the same, but we need to keep in mind that we will face challenges in our lives, and we can learn from them even if it is difficult for us in the beginning. We need to adapt

South-South Youth Cooperation

HAF Project Manager South-South regional blocs led the world to go through a major economic and political transformation over the last two decades. The advances, particularly in the South, have been more rapid than at any time during a similar span in world history. Relationships within the South and between the South and the North