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Monthly Archives: August 2020

Rpcvs: Become a Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer and Continue Your Difference in Morocco

The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is reconnecting with former Peace Corps Volunteers to serve as volunteer experts as part of the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program in Morocco, which is being administered by HAF through 2023. RPCVs are invited to apply for assignments of two weeks or longer to help build the capacities of Moroccan cooperatives,

A Fresh Start

Project Assistant On August 12th, representatives from the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), the Moroccan Alliance for Climate and Sustainable Development (AMCDD), and the Association of Teachers of Life and Earth Sciences (AESVT) held a meeting in order to finalize their new partnership and also to prepare and plan for the first regional meeting which is

Discussion with Law Students: Understanding Moroccan Culture

HAF Intern and UVA Student Through a Zoom meeting with Moroccan law students from University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah in Fes who have been trained to deliver pro bono legal aid to underserved persons, I had an amazing opportunity to discuss current topics and issues as well as acquire a better understanding of Moroccan culture

Final Checkpoint: Civil Society-Government Partnerships for Common Good

On August 10-11, 2020, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) team went to Ait Ourir in order to attend the evaluation of the Future Association for Development and Work Camps (AFCD). The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate each stage of the Oxygen project implementation and draft project recommendations that can be implemented in the

Cool News in a Warming World: Why Invest in Future Forests

Cool News in a Warming World: Why Invest in Future Forests, Daily News, By Finn Grundmann. HAF Volunteer, Plant Enthusiast, and Scientific Assistant in Ecosystem Restoration Projects Forests capture more than carbon. While through the mechanism of photosynthesis, plants are experts at retrieving carbon dioxide from the air, they have also perfected strategies to retain

Distributing Food and Hygiene Materials in Taroudant Province: A Symbol of Social Solidarity

On July 27-28, a HAF team composed of Field Technician Abdeljalil, driver Mustapha, and I hit the road to Taroudant Province for the distribution of food and hygiene materials, a project implemented in partnership with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy as an act of social solidarity with people who have been severely impacted, economically and socially,

Critical Outlooks of the Community Approach to Global Development

Critical Outlooks of the Community Approach to Global Development, Scoop World, By Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 5 August 2020. • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 11 Aug 2020. Systems devised to organize local community participation in development emerged more than 70 years ago as a means to address poverty by involving people in designing their own initiatives and activities. Today,

Why Plant Trees?

Yossef Ben-Meir, Amina El Hajjami, and Ellen Hernandez HAF Colleagues The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) has been working with farming families in Morocco since 2000 to plant trees for sustainable agricultural development. The first question we are often asked is “Why plant trees?” Let us address that question as well as exploring other questions about

Spreading the Seeds of Multiculturalism: A Moroccan Perspective

Spreading the Seeds of Multiculturalism: A Moroccan Perspective, Qwenu, By Jacqueline Skalski-Fouts, 11 August 2020. • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 12 Aug 2020. • French: Article19, 26 Jul 2020. Since early June, an estimated 15 to 26 million people across the United States have participated in protests against the death of George Floyd and the persistence of systematic racism

100% Renewable Is Loading…

Project Assistant The Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) for an African energy transition towards “all-renewable” is a project that the High Atlas Foundation is working on alongside GermanWatch, a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Bonn, Germany. GermanWatch seeks to influence public policy on trade, the environment, and relations between countries in the industrialized north and underdeveloped south

We Are the Change: International Youth Day 2020

HAF Project Manager We, the youth, have a vast and important role in development and nation-building. Societies that have a large percentage of youth are strong ones. This is reflected in the tremendous energy of young people, which clearly contributes to driving and managing global matters and development projects. Climate change is an example. It

My Experience with Grant Writing for the High Atlas Foundation

HAF Intern – UVA student As this was my first opportunity working on a grant proposal, I did not know much about the content and format of proposals previously; however, I knew that writing one was an important skill to acquire. Furthermore, I was able to explore new areas of the High Atlas Foundation’s work.

في زيارة للمشاتل (فاس، مكناس، افران)

في اطار المشاريع التنموية والمساعدات الاجتماعية التي تقوم بها مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير ثم المبادرات وكذا التوزيع المستمر للأشجار المثمرة على الفلاحين، جاءت في هذا الاطار زيارة ميدانية لجبال الأطلس المتوسط مرورا بمدن فاس ومكناس، رفقة السيد سعيد البناني مدير مشروع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بدأت رحلتنا  من مدينة مراكش في اتجاه مدينة مكناس كأول محطة، يوم

Building a Definition of Development

Building a Definition of Development, Global Research, By Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President),03 August 2020 • Arabic: Al bayader, 28 Jul 2020. • French: Wn.com, 08 Aug 2020. A model of the Alternative-Participatory Development social system (Yossef Ben-Meir, 2009) The idea of development itself, its definition, and even the method we use for defining it, would be a good

Creating and Giving Joy to Others

Director of Projects Natural human tendency is to create security in our lives by trying to keep things the same, but we need to keep in mind that we will face challenges in our lives, and we can learn from them even if it is difficult for us in the beginning. We need to adapt

South-South Youth Cooperation

HAF Project Manager South-South regional blocs led the world to go through a major economic and political transformation over the last two decades. The advances, particularly in the South, have been more rapid than at any time during a similar span in world history. Relationships within the South and between the South and the North