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Monthly Archives: July 2020

Planting Trees: An Act of Faith

By Yossef Ben-Meir, Imane Akhezzane, and Ellen Hernandez The Qur’an speaks about water as the life force: the heavens and the Earth were a joined entity, and then they were separated and every living thing was made from water [21:30]. Everything needs water to survive, and among these, of course, are trees. Trees help us

Changing the Destiny of Women During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Can you imagine that due to COVID-19, several problems related to women have only increased, but these issues haven’t been given attention? For years, different NGOs worked on empowering women and gender equality, but with the unexpected appearance of an invisible enemy (the virus), those activities that used to raise awareness about injustices and discrimination

Integrations Revealed by Participation

There are a number of reasons that explain the ascendency over decades, and now the mainstream, of participatory approaches to meaningful development. We often see that when people decide upon the project or change that they most want, that they will give their energy and time to help ensure its continuity and success. We widely

The Shared Characteristics of Sustainable Development and Deradicalization

This article in Arabic –  الخصائص المشتركة للتنمية المستدامة ونزع التطرّف Sustainable development refers to the pattern through which we meet human needs without compromising the future generations’ ability to meet theirs. It requires a comprehensive approach with components that can be individually achieved, including but not limited to economic prosperity, independence, and social well-being. In

هيئات دولية اجتماعية تزرع البسمة لبعض الأسر ببوجدور

French version .تماشيا مع أهدافها الاجتماعية فقد قامت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير بتوزيع عشرات قفف لمواد غذائية أساسية بإقليم بوجدور نظرا للظروف الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية التي تسببت فيها جائحة كورونا بجنوب المغرب على غرار كل الجهات بالمملكة فقد قامت العديد من الهيئات بمساعدة الأسر المعوزة ولم تكن مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير وشركائها إلا من أوائل المساهمين والمساعدين

U.S. and Moroccan Experts Collaborate for Moroccan Cooperatives

The High Atlas Foundation & USAID kick-off the very first Farmer-To-Farmer virtual assignment in Morocco, which will be served by former Peace Corps Volunteer and F2F Volunteer Mark Apel, working integrally with Rachida Outouchki the president of Aboughlo Women’s Cooperative. The assignment aims to follow up on an agricultural project managed by the Tassa Ouirgane

Return Visits to Uplift Communities of Morocco

To all former Peace Corps Volunteers who served in Morocco, and to all others who wish to return to this fulfilling land and continue to benefit its remarkable people: The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is administering the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program during the next three years, and we sincerely hope that you will give your needed

A Personal Journey with the High Atlas Foundation

As I conclude this virtual internship, I cannot help but reflect on the connections I made and the valuable skills I learned. Firstly, getting the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of people enhanced my communication skills, as I learned to adapt to the new circumstances of a virtual environment and improve my cultural

Participatory Development in Practice: A Weekly Conversation Facilitated by HAF President Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir

Peoples’ participation in development is the most significant determinant of projects’ sustainability. Let’s learn about it together and participate as colleagues and give honest expression to the thoughts and ideas that we have. I feel bound to do my utmost to draw out from all participants their immeasurable understanding and capacities that are within each

Learning in Action: Navigating a Virtual Internship and Gaining New Skills

I can’t believe I had my last weekly meeting with all the HAF interns and staff. It feels surreal, because time this summer has been both fast and slow at various points. Throughout my time with HAF, I have kept the words, “your internship will not be what you expect it to be,” at the

Monitoring Trees in Amizmiz: Another Way to Discover Moroccan Nature and History

HAF Projects Coordinator It was with great enthusiasm that I took the road to Amizmiz a week ago to evaluate the trees distributed by the High Atlas Foundation to various farmers in this region. Tree monitoring is a process rooted in the activities of the Foundation. This is a crucial and necessary step which allows

A Partnership for Food and Clothing Solidarity in the Face of Covid-19

A Partnership for Food and Clothing Solidarity in the Face of COVID-19 • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 16 Jul 2020. PRESS RELEASE CONTACT INFORMATION Amina El Hajjami Director of Programs, High Atlas Foundation amina@highatlasfoundation.org +212 (0) 6 62 17 66 63 A Partnership for Food and Clothing Solidarity in the Face of COVID-19 MARRAKECH – The High Atlas

The Forgotten Victims of the Pandemic: An Ongoing Migration Crisis

– The Forgotten Victims Of The Pandemic: An Ongoing Migration Crisis • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 16 Jul 2020. • French: Djazairess, 26 Jul 2020. USMBA Law students participate in skills-building workshops in preparation for opening a law clinic. February 2020, High Atlas Foundation. As Europe closed borders and suspended flights in early March to combat the spread of

Reflections on Omar Himmi of Toubkal, Morocco

– REFLECTIONS ON OMAR HIMMI OF TOUBKAL, MOROCCO • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 14 Jul 2020. Recently, I had a moment of self-reflection brought about by the passing of someone who made a difference in the trajectory of my life. Years ago, I lived in the home of Omar Himmi Ait Omrar in the village of Amsouzerte in

Give to any of our ongoing projects on GlobalGiving’s Bonus Day

Friends, Creating a new period of good for all requires giving what we each are able. So, we hope you give on this Bonus Day when your gift becomes amplified. Today, your donation of $100 or more made to any of HAF’s ten ongoing projects (linked below) between 9:00 AM and 11:59 PM EST will

“Failing to Plan Is Planning to Fail”

– الفشل في التخطيط هو التخطيط للفشل Farmer-to-Farmer Country Director at the High Atlas Foundation How many times have you asked yourself a series of questions about what to prepare for a hike, a trip, or dinner party? You probably thought about what time to leave, what clothes to bring, what food to serve or

Empowerment Between Opportunities and Constraints

– التمكين بين الإنجازات و الإكراهات, Non Online. HAF Empowerment Certified Trainer Before empowerment begins, most women show signs of apprehension in going through this journey, as it is not easy for them and is considered a new experience. Everything new is rejected initially. Especially since the factor of distrust is strongly dominant in the

في زيارة لتقييم الأشجار المثمرة

غالبا ما يعرف المشروع بأنه فكرة أو خدمة ساكنة معينة وكذلك الوصول إلى نتيجة معينة، حيث يكون نقطة بداية ونهاية يصل إليها المشروع عند تحقيق أهدافه أو الإخفاق في تحقيقها، ويتخذ المشروع كذلك أبعاد متعددة ومتنوعة مرتبطة أساسا بما هو اقتصادي أو اجتماعي أو تنموي، حيث يمر من عدة مراحل أولها مرحلة التحديد والتي يتم

High Atlas Foundation’s Partnerships Extend Argan Oil Industry Women’s Empowerment

The argan oil industry’s impact on rural empowerment is growing nationwide, in part, because of international demand on women’s cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The National Initiative for Human Development (INDH) launched in Morocco in 2005, which aims to “reduce poverty, grow the economy, and strengthen the kingdom’s social fabric” through participatory development, directly contributes to that industry’s

An Illuminating Farmer-to-Farmer Story in Morocco

Arabic version French version Bill Nichols at the Women’s Cooperative of Tassa Ouirgane, Jan 2020 (HAF) Bill Nichols served as a volunteer consultant to the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) through the Farmer-to-Farmer Program (F2F) for two weeks in January 2020. Originally from New Mexico, now residing in Boston, Bill collaborated as an F2F volunteer with

Facilitating Participation for Sustainable Development

Facilitating Participation for Sustainable Development, Media for Freedom. • Arabic: Al-Watan Voice, 7 Juin 2020. How can we achieve sustainable development, not just globally, but specifically in Morocco? We must first consider what the central features of this development are. We must incorporate many factors in creative and innovative design: education, gender, ethics, economics, politics, culture, history,

One Step Forward

As the High Atlas Foundation continues in its mission to contribute to the development of people while preserving the life of our planet by planting trees, a new partner who shares the same vision has joined our network through a partnership that contributes to the bigger goal. Moroccan Street is a start-up that preserves the