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Monthly Archives: April 2020

مساهمة مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير في تخليد اليوم العالمي للأرض

متطوع بمؤسسة الاطلس الكبير بعد 50 سنة مضت والعالم بأسره يحتفل باليوم العالمي للأرض، باعتباره النواة واللبنة الأولى لوجود الحياة، وما له أيضا من حمولة رمزية وتاريخية ومجال لعيش جل الكائنات الحية الإنسان والحيوان والنبات، ومما لا شك فيه أن الإنسان من بين هذه الكائنات التي يتميز بالعقل الذي يجعله يتحمل مسؤولية أفعاله، إذن فهل

Rural Women in the High Atlas Contribute to Climate Change Reduction by Planting Fruits Trees

– المرأة الريفية في الأطلس الكبير تساهم في الحدّ من تغيّر المناخ عن طريق زراعة أشجار الفاكهة/ بقلم: أمينة الحجامي, AL WATAN VOICE. Director of Projects Climate change is one of the major issues that humans face in this day and age. It is a phenomenon that has social, economic, and political impacts. As the

Civil Rights in the Light of Covid-19

F2F Program Volunteer Administration and Finance Officer | Trainer In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, the High Atlas Foundation had the opportunity to participate in a webinar about civil rights in the light of COVID-19. The webinar was organized by Innovation for Change, a global network of people and organizations who work together to

Drawing Trees: A Participatory Approach to Addressing Challenges

HAF Project Manager The High Atlas Foundation prioritizes participant ownership of the project identification, design, management, and monitoring processes in all of its work in Morocco. It utilizes a plethora of techniques and tools to ensure that its work is conceived of and driven by its beneficiary base, and this in turn contributes to the

We Must Motivate Our Youth by Planting Trees

HAF Project Manager High Atlas Foundation in Morocco is involving all of society’s parts and actors to help establish sustainable development and build a shining future where everyone gets the right support needed. As an example, to fight to show this vision, the HAF team is preparing each group of youth, those who are in

Contributing to Sustainable Development and Saving the Earth by Planting Trees

HAF Trees Monitoring Officer Earth is greatly negatively affected by climate change. This is observed through rising sea levels, hurricanes, floods, forest fires, and other adverse environmental impacts. Immediate measures must be taken to mitigate or adapt to climate change and save the Earth.In this regard, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), in partnership with Ecosia

A New Opportunity for Meeting the Big Family of F2f in Jamaica

M&E and Empowerment trainer The F2f program conducted the Latin America & the Caribbean Regional Meeting that took place in Kingston, Jamaica from January 5-11, 2020. Morocco was one of the 13 countries that had the opportunity to attend this conference as an only African, Arab, Muslim country. Guatemala, Colombia, Guyana, Philippine, Pero and other

Seeds Then and Now in Tassa Ouirgane

HAF President In 1993, for the month before my traveling to live in the Tifnoute Valley just south of Mount Toubkal, I lived in a small house on the outer edge of the village of Tassa Ouirgane, just north of Toubkal. There, I learned conceptually the delicate balance in meeting developmental and environmental goals at