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اطلب الأشجار GIVE TODAY

2020 Summer Program: HAF and the University of Virginia

Dear Friend,

We at the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) wish you a happy end of year and a fulfilling year ahead

This Newsletter is an expression of our appreciation for the students from the University of Virginia (UVA) and elsewhere who spent the last two summers with us and will hopefully join us for summers to come. It is a privilege to teach participatory development and Arab language on behalf of UVA at HAF in Marrakech. We hope that you join us for the summer of 2020.

Integral to the program is students assisting local communities in determining and implementing empowering projects, and relating the transformative experience to theories of change. During the process, students and community members build essential skills, and personal and global knowledge.

As part of the program, the students write and publish articles about Moroccan development – now presented in this Newsletter. We hope their dedicated work inspires others to commit to sustainable communities and societies.

Registration for the summer 2020 program is now open. Your participation is will be so meaningful.

As we approach the start of the tree planting season, farming families are preparing. Please consider giving and adding to the power of ending rural poverty in Morocco.

We wish you success, and that when winter passes we’ll meet in the warm summer of Marrakech.

Yours faithfully,

Yossef Ben-Meir, Ph.D.
President of the High Atlas Foundation, Marrakech

Empowerment: A Solution for Inequality in Rural Morocco – by Victoria Burns and Lailah Said
Hopeful Futures: The Link Between Agriculture and Deradicalization – by Caleb Tisdale


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