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Monthly Archives: December 2019

يوم في أحضان مشاتل الأطلس

يقال أن لأعياد نهاية السنة سحر خاص فبعد مشاركتي أصدقاء لي عشاء الكريسمس، ذهبت في الصباح لمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير التي اتخذت من حماية البيئة و تشجيع التنمية المستدامة هدفا لها و التي أشتغل فيها متطوع. كعادته سعيد يحمل أخبارا سعيدة. بالله أمين نحن ذاهبون إلى الميدان فهل تود الحضور؟ نعم و كيف لا، فشرف لي

Field Trip to Toubkal: Heading Towards My Master Thesis

BY NORA MARTETSCHLÄGER HAF INTERN A new day, a new trip! After our visit on the Ouarzazarte nursery land Amina, Said and me traveled to the Toubkal commune in order to check the progress of expanding the nursery there. The journey itself definitely wasn’t one of my favorites – the road was very curvy, and

Empowering Rural Participation and Partnerships in Morocco’s Sustainable Development

– Empowering Rural Participation and Partnerships in Morocco’s Sustainable Development, Journal of Global initiatives, By Yossef Ben-Meir (HAF President), 15 November 2019. Abstract This essay explores the vast potential for participatory and sustainable human development in Morocco. Though Morocco is a country with many diverse resources, it remains burdened by severe levels of poverty and illiteracy, and

Review of Dr. Ben-Meir’s Development Model as Viewed in Tandem with Morocco’s Framework of Reform

Foremost to acknowledge is to read the thirty-page development model as an analysis of potential implementation strategy where governmental framework designations remain in script. Given Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir’s scope, having arrived in Morocco many years earlier, and followed by top-tier academic, managerial, and educational positions, each covering the vast range of collecting, interpreting, and sharing

It’s the Time to Plant Trees

Dear Friend, The year has almost reached its end. For HAF, it’s the time to plant trees. Planting trees with farming families and schools in Morocco is an act of empowering recognition and strategic development. It acknowledges the priorities of rural communities and is a vehicle for people’s driven change and transformation. With complete hope

Climate Change Sensitisation and Adaptation: Planning in Zagora

By Kerstin Opfer Operations Manager North Africa is one of the world’s most vulnerable regions to climate change and characterised by severe environmental degradation. This compromises already scarce natural resources and thereby the countries’ economic performance, which is heavily dependent on natural capital such as agriculture, phosphates, mineral resources and fisheries. This in turn also

Soft Skills Development for Participatory Communication | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes

HAF Project Manager Twenty-nine master’s and doctorate-level law students participated in the second of a series of workshops and trainings designed to prepare the students to work in a new law clinic to be housed at the Faculty of Juridical, Economic, and Social Sciences at the University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah in Fes. Fourteen of

Morocco’s Decentralized Energy Transition to Renewable Energies

Hajiba Boumamsar HAF Project Assistant On 4 and 5 November 2019, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) organized a Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (MSP) workshop in collaboration with Germanwatch, a German NGO. The workshop aimed at developing a common understanding of the challenges and solutions for a decentralized energy transition towards 100% renewables in Morocco and all Africa.

Presenting at the International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference 2019

By Kerstin Opfer HAF’s Operations Manager We are living in a time where humankind faces an unprecedented challenge – it is the warmest it has ever been on earth since human presence. The dangers of climate change are known since the 1980s but a lack of will and societal awareness has inhibited the necessary vigorous

2020 Summer Program: HAF and the University of Virginia

Dear Friend, We at the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) wish you a happy end of year and a fulfilling year ahead This Newsletter is an expression of our appreciation for the students from the University of Virginia (UVA) and elsewhere who spent the last two summers with us and will hopefully join us for summers

Mobilization of Metaphor: Moroccan Memories & Impressions of Haf

By Sheila HAF Friends Can faith but the size of a mustard seed move mountains? Can necessity garner supply? Can awareness prompt action? Can sharing forge success? Before the formation of HAF and upon my first arrival in Morocco, such questions rarely drew concern. There was a summer assignment to fulfil; I but one participant

Assessments in Youssoufia for USAID Farmer-to-Farmer

Project Manager Last week, HAF’s team members managing the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program in Morocco visited three potential host organizations in the Youssoufia province, in order to conduct participatory needs assessments and prepare new assignments for the agricultural expert volunteers, great opportunities are presented to discuss project priorities and ideas by members to  advance the growth

Giving Today for Better Days

Dear Friend, There are fantastic reasons to give today to the High Atlas Foundation in Morocco: Women’s empowerment and girls’ education uplift our life’s fabric and are absolutely real outcomes of our work with families and communities. Fruit tree agriculture, building cooperatives, certifying organic, and processing food products for local and global sales form a