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Monthly Archives: November 2019

الطريق إلى تساويركان

.محمد القادري متدرب بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير في إطار دعم التنمية المستدامة في البلاد، نظمت مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير في شخصها السيد لحسن ايت واتوش و السيد محمد القادري كمتدرب مع المؤسسة رحلة ميدانية .إلى قرية تسا ويركان، وهي قرية صغيرة تقع على حدود منتزه توبقال الوطني .الهذف من الزيارة هو تثبيت  لوحة اشهارية على جانب الطريق

Reflections and Thoughts on a Gender-Based Workshop Conducted to the Staff

By Yaniv Teitel HAF Intern Last Friday, I had the privilege and honor to conduct a workshop for the High Atlas Foundations staff members which I tentatively titled “Feminism & Masculinity”. The workshop was a pilot for a larger program that will hopefully start soon – an empowerment workshop for men from rural areas in

Student Trainings Launched | USMBA Law Clinic, Fes

HAF Project Manager A training program to engage and prepare university law students to give supervised pro bono legal counsel to marginalized persons in Fes was launched during the second week of November. An initial meeting with 37 masters level law students studying at University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah was conducted on Thursday, November 14.

Promoting Civil Society – University Engagement in Fes

HAF Project Manager On October 10, 2019, the High Atlas Foundation kicked off a new project in partnership with the University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah (USMBA) in Fes to establish a Law Clinic and Legal Aid program which actively engages students in experiential and service learning for the greater good of the local community. Born

The High Atlas Foundation at the United Nations

The High Atlas Foundation at the United Nations Dear Friend, This Newsletter presents the sustainable development work of the High Atlas Foundation and our fulfilling the Special Consultative Status at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations that we have enjoyed since 2011. We are facilitators of development that local communities of Morocco seek, and

From Pomegranates to Pomegranates Juice

– آن ماري ديل كاستيلو تكتب: من الرمان إلى عصير الرمان, Non Online, 10 December 2019. By Anne Marie Del Castillo Farmer-to-Farmer Volunteer As a retired agricultural economist, I participated in the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) program in Morocco, administered by the High Atlas Foundation. F2F’s main goal is to generate sustainable, broad-based

Preserving the Landscapes of the Azzadene Valley

HAF Intern In recent years in Morocco, the succession of droughts, floods, unusual temperatures, negative changes of ecosystems and productive sectors, and fragile economic conditions are unlike previous decades. This necessitates redoubling development efforts involving economic, political, and civil society actors to counter these adverse effects of climate. This is why the Moroccan government has

International Day of Childhood

By Anna Ugolini HAF Volunteer On November 20th the International Day of Childhood and Adolescence Rights is celebrated throughout the world. The date reminds us of the day when the United Nations General Assembly adopted in 1989 the Convention on the Rights of Children and Adolescents and more than 190 countries have ratified it. The

Men Power

HAF intern Last Friday, we had the chance to try out some of the methods we use in our empowerment workshops ourselves. My internship colleague Yaniv conducted a half day workshop entitled “Masculinity and Feminism” for the whole staff in the office. So, as the title of one of my last blog posts included “Women

Inspiration, Empowerment, (Self-) Growth – Impressions of the u.s. Embassy Youth Exchange Alumni Reintegration Seminar 2019

HAF intern Last week I got the chance to take part in some of the program of the Alumni Seminar. From the 6th to the 10th of the November, 55 youth from all over Morocco who participated in the different U.S. Embassy exchange programs met at the Hotel Dar Atlas in Marrakech to share their

Climate Protection and Sustainability as the Greatest Global Challenge Un Climate Action Summit – New York

Errachid Montassir HAF Project Manager The challenges facing our world at the moment are highly complex, and they are going to affect us all sooner or later: climate change, dwindling natural resources and scarcities of fresh water and foodstuffs. One thing seems clear: we must not waste any more time discussing the problems we are

Argan Cooperatives Are the Future of Morocco

by Hajiba Boumasmar HAF Intern On September 28, 2019, we visited both the Argan Majji Cooperative and the Agricultural Cooperative Argan Mogador for Argan Oil Extraction with HAF Project Manager Errachid Montassir, HAF Project Assistant Hassan Ait Ouatouch, and USAID Farmer to Farmer Officer Stephanie Frankenza. Argan Majji Cooperative Visit The Argan Majji cooperative was


By Nora Martetschläger HAF Intern My last days were all about Pomegranates. I visited Pomegranate farms, ate them fresh from the tree, had some delicious pomegranate juice and learned a lot about the pomegranate business. The reason for all this were two trips to Lalla Takerkoust on 29th and 30th of October together with my

Séminaire Sur Le Partenariat Multipartite (Pmp) Pour Une Décentralisation Des Énergies Renouvelables Au Maroc

Rabat, les 4 et 5 novembre 2019 – La High Atlas Foundation (HAF) organise en partenariat avec GERMANWATCH le séminaire Partenariat Multipartite (PMP) pour une décentralisation des énergies renouvelables au Maroc et ce à Hôtel Ibis Rabat Agdal. La journée du 04 novembre, sera consacrée au séminaire PMP, ce dernier sera une occasion pour les

HAF Tree Planting in Tizian

By Florence Jordan World Challenge Traveller Coming from London, this project really showcased the differences between our homes, and the homes and lives of those living in Tizian in the High Atlas Mountains. During our stay, we were introduced to the differences in culture and language in Morocco compared to the United Kingdom. We were

Community Meeting and Women Power in Tassa Ouirgane

By Nora Martetschläger, HAF intern In my second field trip last Thursday, the 24th of October, I got a sense of the dynamics in a local community and got to know some outstanding powerful women, above all my HAF colleague Amina. Together with her and the external consultant Najwa we went to Tassa Ouirgane, a