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Monthly Archives: October 2018

The Cogwheel of Sustainability in the High Atlas


By Salim Syassi HAF Intern and Student at Al Akhawayn University Anamer and Aghbalou may seem to be two typical villages in the mountainous Al Haouz province of Morocco, but they embody exceptional efforts of participatory development led by the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), local communities, and the High Commission of Waters and Forests. As

New Voices to the Old: Sprouting Progress in Marrakech’s Mellah

By Aichatou Haidara Aanya Salot HAF Interns On the 24th of May, the office of the High Atlas was brimming with a total of 91 people as the High Atlas Foundation staff and the people of Marrakech’s Mellah gathered for Iftar, the breaking of fast. Marrakech’s Mellah proves to be a religious and geographical testimony to the historic

Unlocking the Potential of the Women of Ourika Valley


The women of the Ourika commune and HAF Project Manager Amina El Hajjami (second from left) By Katie O’Neill, HAF Intern from Claremont McKenna College (USA) High Atlas Foundation, Marrakech In the village commune of Ourika, Morocco a women’s cooperative successfully cultivates vast fields of calendula flowers. Though in this part of the world patriarchal


By Julia Payne HAF Intern On Monday June 4, 2018, we took the snaking roads through the High Atlas Mountains to the Tassa Ouirgane community nestled between two towering mountains in the Toubkal National Park. The purpose of the day’s visit was to have the community participate in a training workshop on how to manage

Investment in Sami’s Project Swiftly Transforming Communities


By Julia Al-Akkad HAF Intern The High Atlas Foundation’s initiation of Sami’s Project in 2011 led to remarkable success throughout the rural communities of the Kingdom of  Morocco. The sustainable development project seeks to improve the education system by creating green spaces through distributing and planting trees at local schools. The green spaces encourage the

من الصراع إلى المجتمع: مبادرة مغربية للتمكين العالمي

بقلم ناثان بارك ، مراكش ازدادت الهجرة الدولية من أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الكبرى نحو أوروبا والولايات المتحدة الامريكية بشكل كبير خلال العقد الماضي. وتؤثر اتجاهات الهجرة هذه ، خاصة باتجاه أوروبا ، بشكل مباشر على أنماط الهجرة إلى دول شمال أفريقيا الأخرى. تتباين عوامل الجذب والضغط الخاصة بالهجرة تبعاً لكل بلد وفرد ، ولكن تظل

المشاريع المستدامة في المغرب

 سعيد بناني  مدير مشروع بمؤسسة الأطلس الكبير مشتل للأشجار المثمرة في مركز عبد العزيز بن ادريس لحماية الطفولة بفاس “نموذجا”   حسب وزارة الشباب والرياضة، فمراكز حماية الطفولة هي تلك الفضاءات التابعة لوزارة الشباب والرياضة تتولى مهمة إعادة تربية الاحداث الجانحين المحالين عليها من طرف السلطات القضائية طبقا لمقتضيات قانون المسطرة الجنائية، وتعمل على تقديم خدماتها

Implementing the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals

Implementing the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals After fifteen years of nations pursuing the Millennium Development Goals established by the United Nations, representatives of the member states, along with experts and private citizens, have defined Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to help set the course for the next fifteen years.   All told seventeen goals have been

The High Atlas Foundation Joins Communities at Annual Asni Walnut Festival

June 23, 2015 Marrakesh, Morocco The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) recently participated in the only Moroccan festival solely dedicated to the celebration of walnuts and almonds. At the festival this year, held June 12-14, HAF showcased its organic certified walnut oils and packaged nuts produced at the walnut processing facility, located just up the street