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Daily Archives: September 18, 2018

House of Life – Intercultural Organic Tree Nursery Initiative

Morocco, El Haouz Province: House of Life – Intercultural Organic Tree Nursery Initiative Monday, February 9th, 2015 saw the nationwide launch of an intercultural organic agriculture initiative as the honorable Governor of El Haouz, Mr Younès El Bathaoui, presided over a very special fruit tree distribution and planting ceremony at a Jewish sacred site.  In

Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice


On February 25, I attended on behalf of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) the “High-Level Debate on Integrating Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Post-2015 Development Agenda” with the United Nations Trusteeship Council in New York City. A full-day event, the debate featured multiple panels and interventions by the Moroccan delegacy. This debate opened