To all former Peace Corps Volunteers who served in Morocco, and to all others who wish to return to this fulfilling land and continue to benefit its remarkable people:
The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) is administering the USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program during the next three years, and we sincerely hope that you will give your needed and inspiring energy again to benefit families in Morocco. Cooperatives, associations, and education centers in Morocco require business planners and website designers, experts in irrigation and agroforestry, professionals in value-added processing and certifying organic, and those with real proficiency in achieving food safety and agricultural-related goals, from nurseries to the markets of Moroccan products.
HAF’s program can support both short and long-term assignments (from two weeks to three months). It centers primarily in the regions of Marrakech, Oujda, and Beni Mellal, and is especially directed to the profound benefit of women and youth. Apply now, and join us in engaging with the Moroccan people, when time allows you.
We sincerely hope that your Moroccan journey will continue on with us, and that the deep satisfaction that comes with service for sustainability in Morocco will be yours again.
Achieving the potential of agricultural development in Morocco is a lasting action that can uplift all social dimensions—education, health, livelihoods, empowerment, and justice. Join us and give your time to assist the people of Morocco in achieving their best.
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Bill collaborated as an F2F volunteer with four of HAF’s tree nursery cooperatives in southern Morocco. Read more
The High Atlas Foundation seeks
former Peace Corps Volunteers to assist cooperatives. Read more
معظم النساء قبل بداية التمكين تبدو عليه علامات التوجس في خوض هذه التجربة فهي ليست بالأمر الهين بالنسبة لهن إذ تعتبر تجربة جديدة. Read more
On February 17th, the High Atlas Foundation began its sixth Farmer-to-Farmer assignment. Read more
تقدم المجتمع یرتبط ارتباطاً مباشراً بتقدم المرأة وقدرتھاعلى المشاركة في التنمیة الإقتصادیة والإجتماعیة والبیئیة، تساھم المرأة في جمیع أنحاء العالم في الحّد من تغیّر المناخ وآثاره. Read more
The High Atlas Foundation has, since 2017, conducted 28 Empowerment workshops that are 32 hours each. Read more
The argan oil industry’s impact on empowerment is growing, in part due to demand for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Read more
بعد 50 سنة مضت والعالم بأسره يحتفل باليوم العالمي للأرض، باعتباره النواة واللبنة الأولى لوجود الحياة، وما له أيضا من حمولة رمزية Read more
How many times have you asked yourself a series of questions about what to prepare for a hike, a trip, or dinner party? Read more
In the village of Anougal on February 11th, the Farmer-to-Farmer team visited this women’s cooperative for the first time. Read more
I visited Pomegranate farms, ate them fresh from the tree, had some delicious pomegranate juice, and learned a lot about them. Read more